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Full Version: Deer Creek 4 5 2019
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The wife and I went to DC today
biggest Rainbow I took home was 20" took more home than I wanted to clean.

I bought a downrigger release to use for big lakers, but it worked good for rainbows bad thing is it cost $20.00

only wrapped the line one time and had the tension adjustment backed all the way off

Jmorfish had a post To Glow or Not to Glow
everything I used today had glow
but one time I put out a Storm ThunderStick and it only got one fish so it did not stay on very long

all the beads I use are glow and all spinners are glow. and I use glow power on dodgers. and inside a body I mold I use glow power. green and blue last a long time pink not so long sometimes I mix and match when I don't want as much glow
one set up I used to day everything was glow got 6 fish
but my best setup only had glow beads and a green glow spinner.

I made a box with uv (Black lights) that plugs in to my battery that I charge every thing with are if the sun is up let that charge

all so i paint most of my stuff with a UV sealer (Fish Vision Ultraviolet UV Reflective Lure & Jig Paint)
I was at the ramp at the same time this morning in the red Triton. I saw your boat and thought it might be you. I wish I would have come over and met you but I was excited to get in the water. I really enjoy your post. Glad you had a great day on the water. The rainbows were hungry this morning and they definitely have some size this year.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]Can't say for sure about those releases, but the Chamberlains I had before that required twisting the line 6 or 7 time and putting the loop formed on the release would cause the line to flatten and weaken and then break at the most inappropriate times - like when playing a fish. Wrapping the line around that mandrel might do the same thing. You might want to keep a close eye on the line after repeated wrappings at the same location on the line. Mono is more susceptable than braid to this type damage. And braid takes about 50% more wraps to gain the same hold because of the slickness of braid. I've never seen those releases before, so I'm just offering a couple things to think about as you get into them. Nice job on the trout today.[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3][fishin]
I think you are right
I found some old post where they said there lines were breaking

I use the red offshore release for big Lakers when pulling a 7 or 8" lure
and sometimes when I get a laker on I have a hard time getting it to release
Thanks for the update on DC. It seems when DC starts to heat up it's a sign to be ready cause the rest of the local lakes are right behind.
[quote liketrolling]I think you are right
I found some old post where they said there lines were breaking

I use the red offshore release for big Lakers when pulling a 7 or 8" lure
and sometimes when I get a laker on I have a hard time getting it to release[/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]So far, I haven't found any release I like better than the Offshores. I use the white ones mostly with an occasional switch to black. The release tension is adjustable by where you place the line. With whites, I almost always place them against the stops. With blacks, I will place the line somewhat in the middle. You might want to try varying where you place the line when you're pulling those bigger lures and using the reds. You probably know all this already, but thought I'd mention it just in case. And others reading this may not know about adjusting line tension with Offshore releases.[/size][/#800000][/font]