So, I though our next cowboy-pirate adventure would be some ice off angling at the Gorge, but it seems I have a mutiny in the crew and they are rather strongly suggesting, with talk of sword point and planks, Yuba and a shot a Northern Pike. While this year I have been focusing on searching out great wheelchair access options to try/share, my guess is a run to Yuba for Water Wolves require that I actually take the pirate ship this time.
Any good past posts or advice on this one?
[#0000FF]In the past, northerns have been found almost everywhere around the lake. But the consistently best spots have been along the shoreline both north and south of the dam. It has been especially productive in front of the steep rock and gravel bluffs on the south side of the lake...directly across from the Oasis launch ramp. Otherwise, cruise the lake looking for ambush points and rocks going down into the lake.
[#0000FF]Water levels are a key issue. When water levels are up there is more flooded structure and the pike are more comfortable setting up residence where they can hide and wait for dinner. When the lake rises enough to flood way up into the east arm, it can be good fishing around the island off the Painted Rocks ramp. Ditto for the rocky shorelines on both sides of the lake in either direction from that ramp.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Also, there can be some good shoreline around the narrows...and the big flooded flats on the north side.
[#0000FF]Like many Utah reservoirs, Yuba is pretty much devoid of aquatic vegetation or flooded brush. But after a couple years of very low water, the water levels might come up enough to flood some of the weeds and brush that grew up in the drought exposed flats.
Wheelchair access options are what I deal with on a daily basis. I am down south most of the time but my boat is set up for wheelchairs. It's always ready to go and I'm always looking for a reason to go fishing. If you have a group that wants to fish Yuba let me know. I'm looking for an excuse to get up there.
Thanks for the tips. I drove in late last fall, and she was way low hope that snow pack brings her back up
Thanks a bunch. Our schedule is kinda in limbo again as I might have to go towards Moab for work which would mess up the weekend. We should share trade secrets for handling wheel chairs in the meantime as I am always looking for better ways to get cookie and Buckwheat out.. I am tinkering with a boat project right now with a few mods in mind to help.