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Beans are coming up, Bibb lettuce and spinach are taking off as well. Just put tomatoes and peppers in today. Bok choy just popping through. Eating aspericus for last two weeks. Baby chicks are getting big . Love it. [cool]
Still have 6" of snow on my garden plot. Won't even plant peas/onions for another few weeks.
Awesome Gregg, what have your night time temps been there, since you started planting?
We are a long ways here from getting our garden going this year, still getting overnight temps in the high 30's and low 40's.
How many chicks do you raise per year?
Night time temps have been around 50-55. Air in mid 70's . I decided to try chickens this year, first time. Only four hens. I have a small coop.Tried to attach pic but not working.
I fixed it for you, just unchecked the inline box. Looks like you have plenty of land there for a garden and chickens. Garden is looking good. With overnight temps that warm, I can see why it's growing so well.
Picked the last of the Bibb lettuce and my first picking of string beans. Beets are ready, finally got 10 to grow, but no parsnips. [Sad] watermelon coming up along with melons,cakes and winter squash. Chicks are bigger now and had to add a dining room and a bigger roost and walking yard to the pre-made coop.
I wish we were as far along as you are, I'm just starting to get things coming up, pretty amazing you garden is that far along. How many chicks do you have?
I have 4 hens. I won't see any eggs till at least end of Aug. But they are cool to have around. Almost at the end of the Bok Choi, still picking beans. I did lose a pepper plant. Just shriveled up. Do they get vine Borers?? Some pics of garden close to the house , bean garden in back 3 weeks adjoined the chickens.Tried to upload pics. says they are but don't see them on post. [Tongue]
You can't check the inline box unless you follow the full procedure, I fixed it for you. I've never heard of vine Borers. The only problem I've had with my bell pepper plants is, they will at times get these brown spots on them but i can't say I've ever had one shriveled up. Great looking garden and chicken coop, nice boat too.. Were those chicks this year? If so they sure have grown.
You haven't posted anything here in awhile, how is your garden doing Gregg? In case you missed it here is a link to my garden pics and such from 2019:
Garden has done well on somethings. Butternut squash have produced 25 picked with another 10 to ripen. Tomatoes and kohlrabi's not so good this year. Huge plants , few fruit. Green beans are coming up for the fall crop with turnips, rudabackers and another batch of Bok Choi. That was a hit as well and the neighbors loved it so I thought I'd try another crop. Bibb lettace trying to come through as well. Those I have in the back garden. Back garden has produced 4 watermelons. Squash plants have a few cantaloupes in there some where. LOL Cukes not so many but enough for my relish and pickes for the year. Chickens gave me one small egg then quit on me. Time to drag the ax around the coop again. [Wink]
Hey I got pictures to post. [Smile] Condo style coop. LOL Back Garden last spring.
Sounds like your garden is doing good this year. Just saw our first green bean growing today, at this rate we won't get much of them this year. Starting a new garden plot is tough, with a bunch of hits and misses. Too bad about the chickens, they should be good eating but any ideas what they did not produce more eggs?
Pretty impressive Condo style coop, thanks for the pics. Did you build it all at the same time or add on to it, little by little?
Yes I added as Mama wanted. You don't think I rule the roost? Added left side so I could install a flat heater for winter. Then the wife says they need more room so built the larger area on left so they can walk around more. Then added the feed area so they won't dirty up the water and feed. I did get two more small eggs today. Maybe they are on a roll. LOL
I know what your saying as I had to start two new plots in the past three years. Your advice on using mulched leaves really loosed up my soil. Plus chicken compost and things have been better this year. I had a good year with Butternut squash as it looks like I'll get 50 plus from three hills. [crazy] My second crop of beans are flowering but nothing hanging. But over all, like you said we adapt to what grows for us. I'll be making more changes next year.
A heater? I did not think it got that cold there in the Winter, how many months do you have to use it in the Winter? Maybe they are just getting old enough to to start producing eggs[:/], either way good they laying, hope the trend continues.
Chichen compost is some strong stuff, from what I've read about it, a little goes a long ways. Wow, 50 Butternut squash from 3 hills, that's pretty amazing. Here is a pic of my buttercup squash, there are more vines outside of my grow box than in it[crazy].
Yep me too. Vines are everywhere. The compost has at least 6 months on it before I get it. Still getting a lot of blossom end rot on peppers. I'll be switching boxes next year for sure. looks like my fall crops have come up now. Just have to wait. Im wondering if I can get some more watermelon from the small ones on vine. Time will tell. Had a 33 lb'er, ate half and gave a friend the other half. Still had three more to keep and give away. Man what a difference between them and ones from stores. Like eating candy. I'll do again next year as well.
Remember this from last year:
"Prevention and Control for blossom end rot
• Maintain consistent levels of moisture in the soil throughout the growing season. When the weather is dry, water thoroughly once or twice each week to moisten the soil to a depth of at least 6 inches.
• Prevent calcium deficiency with products such as Tomato Rot Stop.
• In cold climates, allow soil to warm before planting; cold soils limit nutrient uptake.
• Maintain soil pH at or near 6.5.
• Use fertilizers that are low in nitrogen and high in phosphorus.
• Use watering cones (such as Aqua Cones) to get water down into the root zone.
• Apply mulch, to minimize evaporation and help maintain consistent soil moisture.
• Keep garden records: You may discover that some crop varieties are more susceptible to blossom-end rot than others."

I know chicken compost is high in phosphorus, so that should not be the problem, maybe it is calcium deficiency in the soil. Have you ever checked the pH in your soil?
Wow, a 33 lb watermelon, that's a big one. Yea, there is a big difference between store bought and home grown, that's for sure.
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