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Full Version: Pic of Bird Island pre-run off
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Thanks for sharing the pic. Lost of water.
No birds either, wait till the gulls, terns, pelicans, and all arrive, noisy, smelly, and such. Not such a nice place then. Still good fishing though !!
The birds are there and, agreed, their numbers will increase dramatically in the next few weeks. I stay away from fishing on the island out of respect (danger?) for the birds. They have love on their minds now and it will soon be difficult to walk on the island without stepping on a nest or a baby gull.

Nice picture but deceptive in its beauty because of what we all know lurks just under the surface that can hit the old pocket book pretty hard. Not many people that fish that area frequently can say they have never had a prop ding or a total prop wipe out. Hazards are there but the fishing can make it worth the risk.
Walking on the island is the least of your worries, it is when the whole bunch lifts off and flies over you, dropping their load as the rise off the land. NOT COOOL !!!
[quote Boatloadakids]

Nice picture but deceptive in its beauty because of what we all know lurks just under the surface that can hit the old pocket book pretty hard. Not many people that fish that area frequently can say they have never had a prop ding or a total prop wipe out. Hazards are there but the fishing can make it worth the risk.


I have never had a total prop wipe out but have been blessed with multiple dings. I usually do fine going to the island it is when I try to get up on plane too soon before I am well away from there.
Yep, looks like lots of water there, hope it stays that way for awhile. And as other have said, good fishing, BAD for boat props if you are not VERY careful.

I have safe route charted on my GPS around the west side of the island, and have way-pointed several of the deeper spots around the north and west sides. I have gone around to the east side, but VERY slow, motor up in shallow drive, and usually backed in so I can see the shallow spots and prop bangers a bit sooner.

For me anyway, have learned to fish under a bobber.......avoid the snags that I have donated so much tackle to over the years...[:/]
I used to fish it a lot many years ago.
It truly is deceptive, there is only 1.8 fow under my transducer in that pic.
1.8 feet is my prime fishing grounds.
its come up alot from ice off.
Does anyone have a recent depth reading and/or water temp in the channel at Lincoln?
Not sure on the depth or temp, I only run my big motor up the first few time out this year, temps should be coming good, plan on being there tomorrow so see.
Looks like some Florida tidal flats