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I have had a few question about a 2019 Utah Fishing Grand Slam challenge that the cowboy-pirate crew are working on.

- It just something we made up as a family. Its not sponsored by the DWR or other organization(s)

- We are trying to catch all the game fish in Utah in 2019 along with a few honorable mentions that are not game fish

- We are not doing it by size or technique (but that might be part our our next years challenge)

- I have attached a screen shot of the tracking tool (see attached photo). It shows the species we consider the Utah Fishing Grand Slam. I am open to debate on the list. The triangle mark in each cell is a hidden set of notes about where, what, ext if you want to know that information I am happy to share as I usually do in a youtube video about the catch

- If any one wants to join in the challenge I would be happy to send you the tracker (its in excel) or get your 16 year old kid to make one, it will look tons better than mine. Or I will track it for you if you send me the info about your catch

- As part of this, and in an effort to find and share great fishing and other outdoor adventure opportunities for those with disabilities (my son is in a wheelchair and my wife has MS), we have a youtube channel featuring each adventure. Not looking to make money on this youtube thing (I am not that good at it), just sharing the fun, and places, and tips.

- the key - get out and have your own cowboy-pirate adventure and share it with us
Sorry I didn't respond sooner. I asked the question then lost track of the thread. Also, I get to messing around going from one board to another and lose some of the NEW notices.

I think what you are doing is great and I would like to join you. What with being in the ice-fishing challenge I have managed to catch 11 species so far. I don't want to be "competitive" except with myself and greatly enjoy seeing others add to their tallies.

I thought of some other species: mountain whitefish, white crappie, pumpkinseed, and chub. I just started to take fishing seriously (I heard that's wot yer sposed ta do when yer re-tired) this last year since I joined BFT and have determined to catch all the species if I can. This is a fun way to keep track [Smile].
It will be fun to compare notes. I am headed Saturday to the Gorge. On occasion in the spring a few Lakers are close to shore still. Without dragging my boat over it is one of the few chances to get a Gorge Laker. Now to add Burbit may require a differnt plan.

Might have my work team at Utah Lake Friday on a Team Building activity unless they keep posting more photos of those Mantua Bluegills, then I may have to turn the tiller north.
Sounds like fun. Well yesterday when trying for Sacramento perch I caught a sucker and a carp so my count is up to 14. If you can enter my fish it would be great because my computer skills aren't that good. You could PM me either way if you want.