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Micro Jigging For Panfish... Bonus Walleye and Small Mouth Bass

20190517-Day before the full moon... I setup early chumming the swim with corn for carp…
Setting a carp rig out in about 4’ of water I strike out tagging the carp with just one bite and drop.
While waiting for the carp bite I long-cast the micro jigs for the panfish bite I land a 15” SMB and a 24” Walleye… nice bonus fishes while panfishing.
Ultra light setups with 8” GLISS and 3# Nanofil.
Bait was a .016 oz jig tipped with a 1” long GULP Minnow.
Hellbent 6’0 panfish/trout action AbuGarcia Black Max Ice reel loaded with 3# Nanofil
Shakespeare Wild Series 6-0 rod Shimano Siena RD loaded with 8# GLISS (less than 2# monofilament Dia!)

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