Caught at the Utah Lake State Park on whitebass meat.
[#00bf00]Nice job, couple pointers, here if you put the fish closer to the scale one at a time I can probably get you a better score. I can only see 25" on both fish, so I have two at 25 points each. Also mention name of water body, there are a lot of state parks... also see my PM... Thanks J[/#00bf00]
6/11/19 at Utah Lake on white bass meat 28" cat.
[#00bf00]Nice job, good for 28 points... [/#00bf00]
Caught over Father's Day weekend at UL on whitebass meat. Caught 8 but only 2 were over 27". Still could not get to the 30" mark.
[#00bf00]Nice job, that one is so close, but looks like 27 and 27 points... nice job... [/#00bf00]
30" heck. You now have over 80 points which is very respectable at this point in the contest. The 30+ will come, just keep on fishin'. Go South! [fishon][fishon][fishon]
Trying my best to get the South to win. Need to get a few cats in the 30+ to give the North a run for the money. [

Caught 2 cats today 6/18/19 on white bass meat. One at 28" and the other at 25". All caught at UL state park.
[#00bf00]Wow what a fattie toad... good for 28 points... J[/#00bf00]
Do I need to change my tactics and fish during the night to get the 30+ incher? I might have to try it one night this weekend.
As the water gets warmer the night time hours tend to yield better sized fish... However, I haven't figured out the 30+" fish equation yet... Don't know why, but seems like the 10:00 hour at night seems to be the best fishing for me... Give it try and let us know what you think... Remember the glow bobbers and rod tips for night fishing... Later Jeff
Caught on whitebass meat, no bump in the score.
Caught this 10 lbs cat at UL State Park this morning on WB meat. Should bump up my standing a little. 8/27/19
[#00bf00]This one is really close, but I think the nose goes past the end of the tape further than the tail is short of 28 on the other end... So I think it's good for 28 points, nice fish... J[/#00bf00]
Caught this over Labor Day weekend at the UL State Park using WB meat.
[#00bf00]Man this one is really close, I think you could almost stretch it to 29 with the slight nose past the one end and a little shy of 29 on the other, I'm going to give you 29, but if it was a placing fish I may have had to drop to the lower half inch because I can't see it perfectly to verify full length. Nice job moving on up...[/#00bf00]
Thanks, I've been catching lots of 27 'ers. With the cooler weather hopefully, will be getting that 30+ inch cat.
Sounds like a lot of fun!! Best of luck finding that 30”er. Later Jeff