Hello, I’m wanting to buy my boyfriend a fishing pole for his birthday coming up, but I don’t know much about poles and was wondering if anybody could give me some good suggestions for one. I know he wants a bass pole and was thinking about getting him one for that, but he fishes for carp more than anything, I was wondering if there was any poles out there that could be a good one for both carp and bass fishing! Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Does he use spinning or bait casting reels?
If he fishes for carp which can get pretty large, he'll need a 6.5' - 7' medium action rod along with a mid size reel. Walmart sells decent rods for less than $30. I've had mine for over 15 yrs. and it still catches large catfish and bass. Look on the rod blank near the handle to see it's rating.
Check out your local Bass Pro Shop, Cabelas or Wallmart. There are many types and styles of rods and reels out there.
A Mitchell avocet is a good all around rod and reel for the price.