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Full Version: Why Crabs & Anglers Don't Mix!
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Using My Water Wolf Camera To Video Bait Stealing Crabs!

Summer is here! By noon i had kids swimming under my rods & the parents don't even care. Even had an adult IDIOT getting tangled in my line screaming he can't swim after i told him to avoid my lines. So i packed it up & went home to cut videos. Seems all that splashing scared away even the smaller fish that pick my hooks clean. All except the master of bait stealing. The crab.

You know when they're around by the micro-tugs to the leader line coming back with multiple crimps and no bait. Right? Well to understand this process better look at this video and tell me now it makes perfect sense. Sorry, filmed in a lagoon area in 15ft. Very green water & low visibility.
Why are some people so stupid and you would think the so called adults would tell their kids to stay away but some people just have no manners[:|]. How often do crabs steal your bait like that, in your video?
Crabs are a constant problem. But they make one of the best baits as well! Summer time is always crowded with school out. Unfortunately.