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I took my new boat out to Willard with EyLayo this afternoon noon/evening we got on the Water a little before 5pm and pulled in the lines around 8:30pm. We got 10 Walleyes, 3 Wipers and 1 catfish. We caught most of them bottom bouncing and a few on fire tiger pattern crank baits. We fished from the light pole along the west wall working in a large S pattern from 20 yards off the bank to several hundred yards out and back. Are speed varied From 2.2 to 3 mph we battled the wind and fished fairly comfortably through a gale that would have sent me packing in my old boat. I’m going to Strawberry to chase Kokanee in the morning so, it’s off to bed for me.
Nice job!

Also nice that new boat seems to be working out well for you!
Great report, sounds like that new boat is working well for you. What would you say the average size eye was, 15" and smaller or 15" and larger? Good luck at the Berry.
That's a nice mess of fish. Makes my mouth water. I'm so happy for you that you got your new boat and that it's working out well for you.
That's great! What a great way to break in the new boat!

I hope your Berry trip is a good one. Looking forward to your report.
Sounds like a great day. Just curious how you were set up with the bouncers I don't have much experience with them. How heavy and how long of a leader? Thanks
Good fishing again Shawn. Always fun when trying new things works out. Boat sure made difficult conditions not seem so bad. Hope the berry is treating you well. Thanks
I believe they all just cleared 15" with a couple going a little bigger
We had 2 oz. bottom bouncers because I read that you should Have 1 oz for every 10 foot of depth, but we where in 25 feet of water most of the time so I think I will get some 2.5 bouncers for the future I used the full length of the leader that came with the worm harnesses so 3-4 feet.
Nice report! Glad to see people catching fish. What color of bottom bouncers where you using? Did you tip them with worms?
I used one that was a traditional perch pattern and one that was a purple perch pattern and one that was blue with black squiggly lines they all caught fish the only reason I changed them up was we had some pretty bad tangles from battling the wind and the liters got some serious twist in them. Yes, I was using a whole night crawler,I pinched the tip off of one end and threaded it on the front hook and hooked the trailing hook once through the other end of the worm.
[quote EyLayo]I believe they all just cleared 15" with a couple going a little bigger[/quote] That is what I've been expecting, eyes that size are the first ones the DNR started planting three year ago. That means the plan they put in place is working and it should only get better[cool].