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First off I would like to give Tube Dude credit for the "Left handed blue eyed minnow" phrase. I love that phrase.
Having seen the reports over the years about all the chubs at Scofield I thought it time for a new adventure. Loaded up the truck and headed out for the 170 mile drive to Scofield from Hooper. Arrived to a spot below the dam around 7 or so to a very chilly 40 degrees. Only a 100 cfm being release from the dam.
Never having been there before and not knowing what to expect. I wandered around checking things out. Threw my cast net into a few fishy looking spots with no luck.
A man and his young son were tossing worms and getting a few chub with an occasional trout. After a brief how do ya do, he invited me to join them. I rigged up a small split shot about a foot above a #10 hook and put on a chunk of worm tossed it into the river and POW! just that quick fish on. From then on it was fish after fish all chubs except for a small 8 in cutthroat that was released to grow up.
Filled up a five gallon bucket in no time, must be over 100, most of the chub were 6 to 10 inches. Put them on ice. Eventually I ran out of worms. Packed up and headed to Utah Lake hoping to get a catfish with my freshly caught chubs for bait.
Got to the Utah lake state park and fished for a few hours with no luck. The lake was all stirred up from the storm the day before and was to color of fresh concrete, greenish and chalky looking visibility was near zero.
All in all it was a great adventure. My only regret was that I didn't have my 10 yr old granddaughter with me she would have had a blast.
Anybody need a few free chubs send me a PM
Sounds like a successful day to me. Hard to complain about catching 100 fish. Time for a fish fry. [cool]
[#0000FF]Excellent. Glad you approve of my LHBE label.
[#0000FF]If Mama Nature hadn't been having a hissy fit at Utah Lake you would probably have finished with a flourish.
[#0000FF]Freeze those minnows up in "trip packs"...6-12 in a package with some water to eliminate bubbles. And for the larger minnows you will sometimes do better by cutting them into 2 or 3 chunks. But when fishing for bigger cats I use the whole big LHBE minnow. Can't tell you how many times I have caught my smallest fish on my biggest minnows though. Even some stupid bullheads eat the big minnows.
Glad to hear you had such a good time. Were you fishing near the railroad bridge? I only live an hour away and you've got me itchin' to go fitchin'. Maybe I could make the loop and catch some redside shiners at Electric Lake to round out my bait selection. I've got a minnow trap but think it would be fun to try to catch some on hook and line, too.