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Full Version: Strawberry 6/11 invite
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I would like to try strawberry out on tuesday 6/11 with my 3 year old daughter. I’d like to get out there around 8:30 and fish til noon or so. I’d be interested in taking another angler with me meeting in heber around 7:45am. My boat isn’t set up for fishing but I use it as such anyway with my “down riggers” being a heavy weight clipped on the line about 10’ up from my tackle (has been working great for trout). I also don’t have a fish finder yet so I run on hope and prayer like the good ole days!! First one to message me with interest and we can go from there!
This time of year your method will work great.
Long line dodgers/squids as early as possible and you will be fine.
I was there last weds and I had my long line hit 3x's to one on my rigger.
You will have fun!
Yeah it’s actually been working out great for trout on Rockport and echo I’ve had success with this at both lakes over the last month. I also have a deep six diver that I use as well it does just fine with the dodger and squid as well!! Should be an awesome day tomorrow!!
Still got room for one if anyone is interested let me know