In case you haven't heard, we're having a cleanup day at Lincoln Beach (we've adopted it) plus a major offensive to catch fish that will wipe out the North's lead in the Catfish Contest. It will be held on June 22. Of course everyone is invited to attend, though we realize that it is a long haul for those in the north, but we'd love to see you. We plan to have a get-together at mid-day to see who has caught what. Minor prizes may be awarded. As far as lunch goes it is BYOB (bring your own bag). We will not reserve the pavilion and just hope that we can find a spot where we can eat if we want to. It isn't necessary to RSVP but I'd kinda like to get a feel for who's attending. You could let me know here or send me a PM. Stay tuned for more info as we work out details.
What: Second Annual Catfish Blitz and Cleanup Day
Where: Lincoln Beach
Who: Everyone
When: Saturday, June 22,2019
First light to 12:30 pm (approximately)
I have tentative approval from the scheduling committee[
1'm good -- crew depending on baseball schedule.
I'm guessing your going to fish first?
MrsJ and I should be there.
It's completely free-form, but I do think that most will fish, then clean up. Some real serious people will probably get there before light and see if they can catch a white bass or two for fresh bait. Others may wait for a little more light and warmth before venturing forth. Clean up can be done at any time--we don't have to form skirmish lines and skip arm and arm through the bushes singing kumbaya (though it would be fun). Bags and gloves will be provided.
Glad you can make it. It's completely free-form, but I do think that most will fish, then clean up. Some real serious people will probably get there before light and see if they can catch a white bass or two for fresh bait. Others may wait for a little more light and warmth before venturing forth. Clean up can be done at any time--we don't have to form skirmish lines and skip arm and arm through the bushes singing kumbaya (though it would be fun). Bags and gloves will be provided.
Are Paddlingkittys and puddyyak part of your group? They put up a strong showing last year and we could use them there.
They are a brother duo, friends of mine and my g-sons. Good catters.
Sounds fun.... I may come by to shoot some carp for folks wanting bait and so I get to shoot carp. May wade around and see what kind of hate and discontent I can cause some unwitting catfish as well. Wife has a softball tournament so I have a free weekend.
Love to see you there. I would gladly take some of that carp.
OK, it is officially on the schedule. Julie and I will be there. We plan to fish for a while first. I know you said it was completely free-form. I was thinkg of starting to fish around 6 ish and then come in to help with the clean-up around 10 ish. I would like to be able to meet/greet as many BFT folks as we can during the clean up. Does that sound like about the right time to meet people at the clean-up?
In by 10:00-ish would be better for me, too. On a hot day 10:00 is about my limit on the water.
Sounds good, be good to see you again.
That sounds okay. The weather, though, is forecast for a high of 72° and the slowest breeze of the week at 8 mph. So if you want to stay out another hour it should be okay. What do think about a big fish contest like we (tried) to do last year with everybody bringing some little thing?
I’m good with whatever. Maybe keep it simple with a “controlled discussion” of who caught what, where, on what, and how big. Maybe develop and plan a strategy to boost our scores to give those northern fishers a little concern.
I can donate some of my sliding no roll sinkers.
Hey brother, is this still on? My schedule may allow me to attend and it is definitely a worthy cause. Would be good to meet up with some BFTers that I know and others I don’t know yet! And as a cat fishing novice I could really use the practice.
Yup, we're all set. Hope you can make it--you'll fill your slots and more.
With the BIG CHILL, fishing may be a bit slower than the recent red hot reports, but still should be a good outing. Temps will be ideal to enjoy the day and get some cleaning done. Maybe it will slow the smaller fish down and only the big ones will bite[
Yeah, I was just looking at the weather forecast. It will get all the way up to 59° at noon. I hope everyone brings a jacket or coat. After that night with you when I just about got hypothermia I make sure I take my big parka when there's the least chance it will get cold. Could have used it the other day when Mooseman was trying to drown me with bow spray [