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Full Version: fantastic week at the gorge
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my grand daughter and i spent 4 days wed thru sunday at the gorge , wow what a great kokanee trip. this is the first trip my 9 yr old granddaughter have fished for multiple days , she was such a trooper and learned so much about catching and landing fish , she even learned to run the trolling motor and down riggers.
we fished rawlings draw in the mornings, and generally had a limit within an hr or so . 25 to 35 feet down was the best depth ,with the occasional fish at 50 feet . 1.5 mph , with rmt pink cotton candy squids . tipped with gulp.
we did fish further up into anvil and found some larger fish but the bite was a lot slower. we also fished hideout which was none stop double hook ups ,but smaller fish.
surface temp of the water was between 60 and 65 degrees.
but the down side weather was great one day and miserable the next .so my advise to anyone heading up is to bring extra warm clothes just in case.
Good times, that she won’t forget [cool]
looks like a fun time
I have a grand daughter that has fished with me sense she was 4 we did not have downriggers then but my wife made her put worms on the hooks

she has 3 kids now and still fishes with me. she was in Calif. and was showing some kokanee she got, this guy said he would give here $400 if she would get me to take him fishing, she is still MY number one fan

so you have a gem there in your grand daughter
thanks robert grand kids are the best ,