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Full Version: 452 lb 8oz Billfish May Set Record
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Hey there guys,

Talking to a DFG representative, I learned there's a 452 lb 8oz billfish that was caught and the lucky angler is applying for the California marine fish angling (hook and line) record.

That's some kind of fish. I didn't catch where it was caught but I do know that the record for Striped Marlin was caught at Catalina and the Broadbill Swordfish at San Clemente.

Guess we'll just have to await an announcement.

That is a big fish. It is so fun to watch those guys jump out of the water when they are caught. They do make a good show.
Never caught anything that big. I get like a 8lbs trout and I get excited. I still remember first yellowtail I caught. I thought it was a whale!! It was 20+lbs. I thought I got snagged on something because my pole went straight down.[shocked]

You want to know who makes the best rods and reels? Test them going after 100+ class fish[Wink]
I too am fond of those moving snags. I just love when I hook in to something and it doesn't move. After a few tugs on the rod...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........then the sucker takes off.