Heading out to the gorge with my boat for the first time. Taking the fam out and the camper and looking for spots to camp that are not in Lucerne or other big campgrounds but close enough to get the boat launched. Any suggestions?
I like anvil boat launch, plenty of easy access dirt camping and the koke and trout fishing is good whether you go north or south out of the launch.
lots of other campers near any launch you go to on west side of the lake. FYI
Buckboard right in the sand and close to the boat launch looked like a awsome place to camp last week. Even saw some campers launching their boats with their trucks !!
A word of wisdom...EVERY half way decent camping spot will be taken. It’s the busiest weekend on the lake. So it may be wise to head down brinegar’s road and glass some places from the main road. It’s definitely less popular. Anvil may have a spot open as well. Buckboard and south buckboard you might as well forget about IMO
Thanks guys for the input I’m headed out today after work I think we will try stateline area first then if that doesn’t work out migrate up to anvil!! Should be a great time
We stayed at State line on the Utah side a couple weeks ago and it was not as busy as I would have expected, got into the kokanees not far from where we camped. Less than five minutes to fishing and we got 6 limits both days we fished. We had best luck at depths from 20 feet to shallower got a few as we were letting out lines. don't hesitate to try shallow until you locate the depth they are holding.
I was able to beach the boat very close to our camper on a nice sandy stretch.
No launching off the beach there. You can beach but must launch at ramp so they can check for Muscle certification.
Thank you mildog for the great info I appreciate it! One question for you, I know you need to have a pass if you are parked in a marina/launch area but are you required to have a pass for camping on the beach? The lady and the Manila mercantile store wasn’t so clear on that.
Yes, there is a fee. it is "open" camping, there are restrooms spaced around the area, we had one within 100 yards, The campground host based up at Lucerne will make the rounds and collect from you. Just pick a spot and set up your camp. There are some fire rings of rocks and some picnic tables spaced around the area. They will come around and collect from you. They also service the restrooms (they were clean and had TP) and try to keep people in line. He always asked if anyone was getting out of hand and if so to let him know. I can't remember how much it was per night which covered access to marina. camping etc. I want to say it was $18.00 per night but it may have been a bit more??