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Full Version: Scofield in the tube
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I fished Scofield today in my tube from 7:00 until 3:00. I launched on the south east side where you can drive down to the water, across from the island.
I started with a fast sinking line and a size 8 bead head black/copper crystal bugger and headed out around the island. I picked up a few cutthroats and some chubs.
I came back and started fishing closer to shore in shallow water and started getting more action. I switched to my number 3 line and another crystal bugger and started picking up larger fish (chubs too). The action was pretty steady for most of the afternoon until the deer flies finely got to me and I decided to call it a day.

The water temperature was 63-69 degrees and the visibility in the water of about 5'-6'. The reservoir is still full and spilling. That is pretty amazing for Scofield to be full on the 18th of July. It will sure help the fish with all that water.[Smile]
Well done, looks like a great day on the water! Any tigers find your net? I haven't seen one yet this year.
[quote KeelnTime]Well done, looks like a great day on the water! Any tigers find your net? I haven't seen one yet this year.[/quote]

No tigers this time out. I caught three on June 5th but nothing on the last two trips. The ones I caught were not very big, 12" - 14" long.
Nice brother, there's always next time! And hey now I can say I've seen a tiger this year hahaha, just not in my net.