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Full Version: Boat Accident on Strawberry
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Today on Strawberry near the old dam. Life Flight was on the scene and I have to think the boat was airborne for a moment to get in this condition. According to Fox News, it involved drinking and a swift turn to avoid a collision with another boat. This is Sad on many levels.

[inline IMG_2382.jpeg]
get on them It was not me
I was not there
If you attached a photo you need to edit your post and uncheck the Inline box. If you didn't attach a photo I am lost by what you are attempting to communicate.
I posted from my phone while on lake, and while I uploaded the photo, it obviously didn't take. I would like to know how this boat accident happened.
It may have been a medical condition that set in suddenly while the boat was running on plane.
One of the TV news stations said there was a beverage condition involved.
Yeah you can't let your guard down anywhere anymore.

Was up there fishing Tuesday and had some guys on a big cabin cruiser trolling by us with nobody watching where they were going.

Every person on the boat was staring out the back and shooting the breeze as the boat slowly turned our direction and was getting close when they finally realized what was going on and turned away.
[quote klam]One of the TV news stations said there was a beverage condition involved.[/quote]

I like to fish with others. Being a non drinker, I can be a designated driver / (experienced) boat captain for those who are having fun drinking and fishing.
Might have to take you up on that offer RPF[Wink]
I have a friend who does various jumps using the Air Chair and he has me at the helm to control his boat just right and at the precise speed and pick him up after each crash to try again. I grew up with boating.

Ronald Smile
We had a near miss last year in the narrows where they go out into SC. We were trolling along minding our own business when a group of people in a ski boat comes flying towards the narrows from SC right towards us. i start to make some evasive maneuvers but soon realize hes going way too fast and i'm screwed. At the last second he pulls his head out of his..... you know, and swerves around us at less than 50'. He almost lost one of his passengers in the process. He kept going like a cut cat never slowing down headed towards the Strawberry side. Sadly I was in my little 14' Crestliner rather than the boat I now own or I would have gave chase and told him what I though of him and his family back 3 generations. Actually, It's Probably a good thing I was in the little boat. lol
Did anyone else notice that there is no Hull # or registration decal on the boat? This boat owner is possibly in more trouble than just boat damage.
Interesting. Maybe a brand new boat and boat owner. Might explain a lot of things.

I saw a legal case where a guy bought a new boat and took it out first time without getting insurance. Same thing. Wasn't watching where he was going and side-swiped a kid on a tube causing serious injury. Another Sad situation all around.
I think those red Polar Kraft boats are the rentals from the marina? Non boat owner might explain part of it.

My 12 year old recently got his UT boating license. It took about 20 hours of video and tests. Crazy that they make a 12 year old take 20 hours of tests and someone 18 or older none.

There is a lot to learn. Every boat owner should have to take those hours to get a boating cense.
It does indeed look like one of the marina's Kokanee rental boats - same model, color, motor, and downrigger setup.

If drinking was involved, as represented by the news, and this was indeed a marina rental boat, then this could be a big headache for the Phillips as well because the marina could be named in any resulting lawsuit.

So much pain from so much carelessness.

[inline "Kokanee Boat.JPG"]
We had the same thing happen to us at Jordanelle last Monday. Four guys in the boat and no one was watching.
If anyone is part of the Utah Anglers Report page, there is a post about this event linked to a Wasatch County Fire report. The comments, if accurate, are truly devastating.
Ah the tales that could be told !! I know TD has had some really interesting incidents on Willard in past years in his tube, with the power squadron up there. Personally I have had several run-ins on Deer Creek with inattentive skiers. Some people drive their boats the way they drive their cars, with their heads up their a*** . This incident at Strawberry was reported to have involved a passenger in the boat being thrown out of the boat and had to be lifeflighted to the Hospital with head injuries.