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Full Version: Willard Crappie Condos
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Crappie need structure, not only to spawn, but to hide from predators. Willard is wofordly lacking for structure. Like many have said "it is a bathtub". Many states have been experiencing the same problem. Some have allowed groups to create manmade habitat using PVC of various shapes and sizes. I believe that Willard could benefit from this same idea. YouTube has numerous DIY designs. If we could get the DWR blessings on a few of the designs, I am willing to bet that many members of this forum would volunteer time and financial assistance for the project. Many of us probably have a lot of the parts laying around our homes.

I would suggest putting some in a shallow designated "No-boating area", maybe out from pelican beach, and others out in deeper waters. I know that they have dumped piles of rocks out West of the south marina, but rock piles just don't cut it, and in 20 feet of water, I don't think that it helps with the spawn. The PVC condos would not cause a lot of snags like Christmas trees ( which only lasts a couple years anyway).

So I ask fellow members: Is this a plausible idea?
Here is a YouTube idea that I think would be easy and inexpensive.
This could be a great Boy Scout project to get added help in building them.
If DWR gives blessing, I am in, I would donate money, time etc.. I like crappie fishing.
I think the DWR put similar things in rockport for perch this year.
Glad to hear that. I hope others chime in as well.
Thanks Hue
That's good news. If they are already open to the use of them, with a little assistance from volunteers and aid, they would most likely be ok with the idea or parts there of.
Good on them for trying, but couldn't there be results from other states do determine their usefulness? Their habitat does look good. Waiting 2 years to study them bums me though.
I'll happily support the effort. Willing to donate time and/or material.
[quote BURLEY]Waiting 2 years to study them bums me though.[/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]Why?[/size][/#800000][/font]