Fishing Forum

Full Version: Strato-G, Chick, CFF 11, 8-16-19, JSB
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emoDoh emoDoh emoPlease Was our remarks last nite as we had no def plan. emoQuestion 1st area was a bust, John lost 1 on the buzz....I had 0 hits...move a bit with same results...Next area has produced prior, John hooks up on a blade, I am unable to get net, tried to swing & emoBadLanguage everything went awray...lost it...couple more moves...I'm dragging t-rig...mushy, lifting rod & fish on at boat, no net time, swing & break off...John then hooks up, fish almost at net range, GONE AGAIN... emoTskTsk ...Boat 13, emoQuestion . Who knows...Make last move, no emoFish in livewell...looking like we 0 for 1st time this year!!!!! I am ragging T-Rig, moving about on hump, tug, tug...Belive I'm hooked up...Gotta a goodern John, net time....Put a 51/2 lbr in the tub...No hero but no zero......Grats to heavy bags, not our nite....Full moon nite , great weather...great group.. emoDance .......... emoGeezer emoUSA