Fishing Forum

Full Version: Chick68, CFF#11, bass, 8-16-2019, Jeff
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We started deep with no bites then about dark we move to a main lake HUMP with GRASS.... And that is where the fun began, As luck would have it we landed on a nice school of HUNGRY FISH emoHungry I catch are first keeper on a blade an then moments later Jeff calls for the NET emoToast A SOLID 4 LBER on a worm and 5 min later he made the net call again with a 5 1/2 lber.....So not being to proud I as for one of his WORMS and it was on for a couple of HOURS catching fish after fish BUT we could not get rid of are DINK... About 11 are fish shut off like you turned a light switch and that was it for the night emoScratch We finished with 12.09 BUT we had a lb penalty for a dead fish which took us out of the money ANYWAY what a beautiful night to be on the WATER........As usual THANKS to the CFF crew for a well run event.