09-06-2019, 09:00 AM
Ronnie and I left CFP and headed to a flat where we always catch several small keepers. We thought that we would try for three small fish in the box early and then try to cull up. It was sloooow! I finally caught keeper on a shakey head. We missed several fish each that were just hitting the worm funny? Then I caught another small keeper. It was after dark by then. We moved to another spot and fished the area for probably 45 min. with no luck. Then all of a sudden Ronnie yells out get the net this is a bigg'in! Just As I threw down my rod and was trying to get the net the fish made a lunge and Ronnie's line popped. It must have had a bad place in it because he had just put that line on that afternoon but this was a big fish. Ronnie retied and we went back to fishing mumbling about that fish. Then Ronnie yells out again! He has another big fish on and it runs under tree limb and has him hung up. We tried for a while to get the fish to come out but it finally pulled loose and there we sat again mumbling. Ronnie then caught our third fish. We left and ran farther up the river and started throwing spinner baits. We caught 5 or 6 fish culling by ounces. We finished up with 9 lbs. something and was 5th I think. Congrats to Billy and Stephen on a tough win. See you all Sept. 7th at CFP for a day event.