02-26-2004, 11:15 PM
02-27-2004, 01:38 AM
well wat kind of fisherie are you going to be using them in(rivers, streams, lakes, ponds)?????
02-27-2004, 02:53 AM
] For catfish, use a carolina rig with a light livebait hook. Impale the minnow through the back just behind the dorsal fin and above the lateral line.
For bass or crappie, use a light livebait hook or a gold aberdeen hook under a small pencil float. Adjust the weight (split shot) needed to keep the pencil float vertical and submerged no more than 1/2 it's length. Start at 2 feet deep and work around submerged stumps, brushpiles, or other structure. Increase depth as needed.

For bass or crappie, use a light livebait hook or a gold aberdeen hook under a small pencil float. Adjust the weight (split shot) needed to keep the pencil float vertical and submerged no more than 1/2 it's length. Start at 2 feet deep and work around submerged stumps, brushpiles, or other structure. Increase depth as needed.
02-27-2004, 10:18 AM
If I am fishing with minnows on a tipup, I hook a treble hook just behind the top fin(dorsal fin?). Don't hook it real deep in the flesh, or you will kill the minnow.
When you jig a minnow, you can hook it through the lips. When fishing a crappie minnow under a bobber, hook it either the same as on a tipup, or through the lips.
When you jig a minnow, you can hook it through the lips. When fishing a crappie minnow under a bobber, hook it either the same as on a tipup, or through the lips.
02-27-2004, 02:30 PM
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03-01-2004, 05:04 PM
hook through the lip and nostril to keep them livelyalso th dart around because they see whats after them ,i do not hook the eyes as this blinds them and they fly off hooks,also i dont hook them in the dorsal area as you can paralize the minnow and not much action then.also thy adding a little salt non iodized to water help prectect them and keeps them alive longer,also judge hooks with the game your after,alsoget a verity of minnows in different sizes as you never know what they will be hitting.
03-01-2004, 07:54 PM
Use very small hooks so they can bite them![

03-01-2004, 07:57 PM
I also recommend hooking through the lip. I do this all the time and my bait stays alive longer. I tried the back thing and it seems the bait dies quicker.[

03-01-2004, 11:12 PM
also make sure your hands are wet or you will cause scale removal and bait will die faster,also add a few ice cubes not a whole lot or they will be in shock.
03-02-2004, 02:44 AM
Try putting the hook in the mouth, out the gill area, and then in their back just below their dorsal fin. If you have hooks with weed guards on them, you don't even need to go through their back. The weed guard will hold the minnow on the hook.
03-05-2004, 04:24 PM
hey bud, i do when fishin the brooks in strong water like this comin spring and let hin float down thru, with a split shot enough to keep him down bout 2 ft, under the water in the hole, cast up above the hole then let it go to the mouth of the hole and most generaly are right there, moronin till evenin, then evenin to dark fish just the hole.and then use a slidin sinker with the minner hooked just under the top midder fin. makes em look like there wounded and the trout or whatever, i beleive makes the fish hit good, course thats my figurein. haha later[

03-05-2004, 04:58 PM
hey bud, to me i believe it,s how fer down under the fin you hook the hook, haha, also depends on how big of a hook your usin too, i think. i use the snelled size 6, eagle claw, and dont go only just under the top fin not hittin the spine. then i believe they won,t die so quick. but i,ve had em last awhile with hookin em that way. but to me, i only do it this way when fishin the ponds, with a boober, or on the bottom with a slidin sinker, which the sinker is enough just to keep him in place, rather then lettin him take off and gittin ya all snagged up. under a log or somethin. depends on the size of the minner to what i put with what. i generally uuse a i3/4 inch -inch minner. my trout love em.haha i just have different ways of hookin to the place of where i,m fishin, and situation, be it brook pond river, but mainly unless there is real swift water, i hate to use sinkers/. rather have it go natural with the floatin of the water, i can feel that hit better, course with my ugly stick and light line i can feel when they just nudge it, cayse ya can sure feel the difference. IT,S FUN! HAHA[
]i reallly dont use any other hook raather than a six, it,s a good all round hook, and have never had a eagle claw double snelled, with the 2 swivel holder line on it fail me. either one has never broke. and i,ve caught some good ones with em! haha later be it trout bass, pike walleye, as long as there teeth don,t hit it, but then i,m not goin fer em, i,m just fishin where there at and they hit. [NOT SET UP FER EM}} CAUSE I ALWAYS FISH FER TROUT, OR BASS, AND CAN DO EITHER WITH MY MINNERSS. YA KNOW, [
]AS FER AS HOOKIN IT THRUGH the lip, when i,m fihin my river over in plymouth, its a good swift water, but without havin to use a sinker, i go thru the mouth, thru the gill with the hook facin in and then go to the top of the side of the minner and hook it thru to the other side of the minner with the end of the hook just stickin out to the other side of the minner, so,s the fish dont feel it when he gits it in his mouth. cause he,s gonna run with it till he stops to eat it. he runs again and then nub him. thats waht i do. dont matter ifthe minner crokes cause he,s goin with the current anywasy and it,s not long fer ya got a hit this ways anyways cause it,s more natural lookin to em. dont know if thats the ways you do it or not, but i do.later it,s more that the current doesn,t pull the minner off in the current easier this ways.
