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Full Version: Monday on the Bear
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Used my last birthday day off to spend some time on the Bear with oldest son. We didn't catch anything worth whooping about, but not skunked either. And the weather was about as perfect as it could get.
Took my son 2 hours to convince a small carp to volunteer for bait duty. And about an hour later I got a small cat to have mercy on me and chase the skunk away before I released it.

Was a clear, warm, calm, quiet day. [fishon]
Thanks for sharing. Any day out with your son is a success. I just got a chance to spend part of a day visiting my oldest. He just turned 40 and is considering retiring from the Army. He's a Green Beret and I would be happy if he got out before he gets killed in Afghanistan or somewhere. I'm proud of his service, but we haven't been fishing together for many years and I'm not getting any younger.
Green Beret ? Age 40 ? Yep, he should retire. Those "snake eaters" are probably calling him Gramps by now [sly] I spent 2.5 years at Pope AFB, NC. Lived on Ft. Bragg, had troops from 18th Airborne Corp, 82nd Airborne Div, Green Beret, and Delta Force living all around me. Never felt safer anywhere in my life....[Wink]

Oldest son did a tour in USAF as a Security Cop and Airbase Defense Force troop.