I want to take the great grand kids to Mantua tomorrow evening to catch some bluegills. Does this mean it is open to fishing or not?
[inline Mantua.PNG]
Hey Kent
I have seen this cautionary advisory at a few bodies of water, my take on it is, if you stay out of the water, and clean your fish properly, you will be ok. You have to remember in this day and age, (law suit mania, they have to cover their backside.)
I was going to say ass, but I am trying to be more politically correct. [

] I would have no problem fishing Mantua, I was fishing it when the advisory first came out in late August/early Sept., and have eaten the fish from Mantua with no ill effects, besides the ones I already have. But the decision is ultimately yours, and when dealing with grand kids, we are always, as grand parents very protective. Bottom line
is, you will probably never get a straight answer to your question, from a government entity. It is your experience/gut feeling as a experienced fisherman and grandfather, that will make the choice between go or no go.
Thanks for your observations and concern, and they are similar to mine.
I am trying to determine if it is officially closed or open. I would not want to get a ticket, from a ticket happy cop in Matua, for ignoring a "closed to fishing" sign.
I understand, the way the warning is presented, can be confusing. it says closed under Danger Warning (RED), under beach danger, stay out of the water. Then if you look at (Yellow) warning advisory, it states 5 other advisory's. This meaning the lake is not closed, but be advised if boating, of the following precautions you need to take.
I took the grandkids a week ago and fished from the shore, it was open then. To the best of my knowledge it is open. Fishing was slow, but that was with the front moving in.
Kent, I just went down to Brigham Public Works Dept., who owns Mantua Res.. The lady at the desk said that it is legal to fish the reservoir and that Robocop would not issue a ticket. Just don't swim or play in the water. I didn't ask but they are probably still requiring a $7 launch fee. She said that the health dept. issues the algae warnings.
Thanks Hue, I appreciate you going the extra mile to get the information from those who know for sure.
Sounds like maybe Mantua Barney is no more?
Is that the same guy? Seems pretty ironic he would get fired for driving under the influence in his own town.
Nevermind, sounds like the original Mantua Barney retired some time ago.
[#800000][font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]I only fish Mantua through the ice, so have no first hand knowledge of Barney's involvement with the launch fee. But the fee is a Brigham City fee and I would guess that Mantua reaps no benefit from it. And unless Barney is getting a commission from the citations for failure to pay the fee, I don't know what the incentive would be to write citations for that infraction. Perhaps one of our BFT members has some first hand experience with receiving such a citation and would feel free to enlighten the rest of us - anomalously, of course. [

] [laugh] [shocked]
I was more than happy to pay the $5 launch fee, so not paying the fee was not an issue.
Under the "remainder of the lake" advisory, it specifically says "avoid areas of algae scum when boating" so I would infer that launching a boat is still allowed.
It also says "clean fish well and discard guts", so I have to assume that fishing is still expected and allowed as well.
Good luck if you go.
Edit: I posted this and then saw that you went yesterday. I guess any doubts have been resolved.