10-03-2019, 09:00 AM
I had found an area that had a little activity in it last weekend, so at least I had a place for us to start. We had a small limit on a frog by 8:30. Lost a decent one on a plopper. Made a decent cull with a 3lber at about 9am on a plastic worm in 8 F.O.W. Ended up spending about half of the tournament in this area because I had caught a good fish out of it last weekend; so I new it had potential. Once the sun got up the activity subsided so we moved out to try and find a big. We were able to make one more decent cull with a 3.5lber in a drain on a plastic worm in 20 F.O.W. at about 12. We had a lot of time to scramble around and get 1 or 2 better fish but wasn&#39;t in the cards. <br /><br />As always thanks to Pete Sr. for fishing with me.<br /><br />Congrats to Earl and Ronnie on a great season. Very strong. emoToast <br /><br />Thanks to the committee for doing all the work it takes putting all these tournaments on.