Had an hr before dark to shoot over to Pineview. I thought maybe with the front coming I might catch Perch or Crappie going on a quick evening feed. Nope. Only the Grebes seemed to be having luck. We had four rods working tipped jigs and double drop shot set ups tipped with worms or gulp minnow. I only had time to try one spot, so tried off the north side of cemetery. Watched a bass boat work the rocks over without success.
I really need to spend some time at PV and try to figure it out. It tends to mistreat me
That is to bad! I haven't been out there yet this month but was thinking of giving it a try next week.
What can you tell me about the island boat launch?
Was there anyone taking money? Was it open? How many boats were using it?
The gate was closed when we went by. No signs of life on the other side, but to be fair we were not paying attention for that.
The island boat launch, how would you get on an island to launch a boat[

], LOL, J/K. They close that ramp after the Summer season, unless this new concession group is doing things different. In years past only the Port ramp is open now.
Thanks I'm watching the weather, looking for a Saturday adventure with the pineview tigers.
Sat looks better but we are going to give it a try tomorrow. Good luck to you on Sat.
Let me know how ya do Friday. I am considering another run at it Saturday too
Are you going to tackle the early morning cold?? Im thinking about 9 got two kids, don't want a bad day. Look for us.
I expect we will be there about the same time (9is). I have a couple things I have to finish early that morning. Hope we see ya
We had a change of plans because of the temps, we decided to go tomorrow as well, we will likely be there around 8:30 am.
We will be bank tangling (see photo of my project boat being takin over by wife's Halloween decorations)
Will likey start on NW side in the channel under the house and jump around locations from there until I find hungry critters or my need to satisfy my pizza craving take over.
If ya see the big cowboy hat, swing by and wave
In the past fishing around the docks can be good for crappie. Those black tires help to heat up the water.
Try off the docks if you can.
Is your boat a 16 fter? How big is your motor?
They do not have out any of the boat docks this year, just barely a corner of one walkway in the water[

]. We usually mark fish around those docks but did not see any in that area yesterday[

It's a 16ft with a 35 hp 2 stroke. I also have an electric motor for it.
A 35 hp motor is pretty good sized for that boat, it should scoot it across the water pretty good. What kind of work were you doing on your boat?
Ya the 35 moves it well. I had planned on stripping it down and repainting. But, what is likely to really happen owing to time is:
1- rebuild the 35. Done
2- take out the back bench and put a split bench with seat in so I can rotate from poles to motor
3- redo the middle two benches with some nicer seats.
4- take the small front bench out and build a casting platform with storage.
5- rig a better fishfinder set up and add a small sun canopy.
6- add my electric motor to it.
7- add the cookie and cowboy decal and flag
8- misc upgradeds like rod holders, storage, anchor system.
I spend to much time watching youtube videos of how people turned these rigs into eye catching fishing platforms. I think my scope of ideas runneth past my budget and time.
How long have you had this boat? Sounds like you need to get a lot done on it still. Did you rebuild the motor yourself? If so, you should not have much problem getting the rest done. I have some nicer seats that would work on your boat, that I could let you have at a reasonable price. Do you have the fishfinder for your boat yet, if not I can help you with that as well.
I actually have already bought the seats this spring, but thanks. Tells ya how far behind I am on it. I did not do the motor work, but am a certified mechanic, so could have but felt more like fishing and less like wrenching.
I see another member found some size to the Crappie at PV. That is good news, although.