Good read from years back on Koke fishing that can help when targeting the silver bullets and helped me as a starting point when I started chasing them around 2005.
I saw and read this a long time ago
he is wrong on this
(The Two Rod Theory-And The Mind Set For Kokanee)
You catch a lot more Kokanee using 4 down riggers
I think about what he said about using two poles, every time I go fishing and hook 4 kokanee at the same time.
He has a lot of good things to say
(At that moment Phil was hooked on kokanee.) A lot of us on this forum are hooked
I'm like him I fish over 100 days a year for Kokanee.
this is true about worms but maggots work good all year for me.
(He discovered that worms work marginally well only early in the season (March through May)
and then kokanee seem to lose all interest in them. The use of maggots was also marginal.)
this is a big dill for me
Electronic Fish Finder
(e. A very important part of Phil’s kokanee catching game plan is based on the
theory that if Phil passes over three kokanee in a row and doesn’ t get bit he starts changing lure
colors, lure styles, or scent combinations. You must have power and pixels to get the electronic
information you need.)
Yes I agree about the 4 vs 2 rods but if the bite is tough I make sure the setbacks are all different just Incase their


I also think his speed range is to small, some lakes fish better running faster like the Gorge.
I’ve typically got about 30 days a year in on kokes but was chasing, halibut and salmon during the koke season also, now that I’ve relocated I expect next year the days after kokes will go way up [laugh]
Good article though to get your feet wet if it’s new to somebody.