I'd like to say that PV was fishing good this year but I can't, seems like that bigger age class of crappie and perch are gone this year. We arrived at 8am, just in time to see a musky tournament kicking off. Good thing they were not interested in the crappie because we were glad no one was at our favorite spot[cool]. As we pulled in we were greeted to clouds of crappie, that were biting like crazy and we were thinking awesome but after catching over 2 dozen and not one over 8" we were bummed out[

]. We thought maybe they were somewhere else but after 6 hours of searching, all over the lake, we found that was it, nothing over 8". We did find some huge clouds of perch too but same story with them, nothing over 7". Not sure we will go back before ice over. Ira did have a couple of bass on that decide not to come in the boat, at the last second and one bite off that was likely a tiger muskie. We saw two guys that were trolling for muskie, that pulled in two, that appeared to be 24 and 36" or so. Saw Cowboy and Cookie, good meeting you two. Waved to K2 before we launched in the morning but I guess she is still mad because all I got was, "The Look", oh well, all you can do is try and be friendly. We could not believe there were people out there doing the wake board thing today, I've never seen them out there at PV this late in the season before[crazy]. All in all it was a nice day out there. This attached pic, with the red near the bottom, are in fact all crappie down to the yellow bottom[crazy].
Hey it was good to see you and IRA, too. What a nice day to play fishy, fishy. Where you met up with Cookie and I we picked up bluegill and mud cats. I had two rigs set up with slip floats and worked that area you graphed a school, but my angle was wrong from the shore coupled with the morning breeze I could not keep the jig in position at the right depth, no matter how I set my float stop. Frustrating, but that's bank tangling. Sometimes they are so close but you cant present it right. We fished around the lake picking up a few here and there, but never got into a hot streak. We were also running two rods on the bottom one with a floating jig and the other with a small float off the hook. Those set up we could get bottom up about 10 ft and the top rigs down about 20. But no matter how much water column you can cover, it dont matter from the bank unless you are on em. We had a great time and I did get my lunch pizza. I also saw a troller running planning boards pick up a nice Musky.
I feel bad, had to call my boys a cancel . Had some stomach issues and did not dare leave the house. I wanted musky and heard a few were caught. Boats ready so maybe this next week .
Thanks for your report. What was the launching like? Did you launch at the state park grounds?
From cowboys picture the water is low but not to bad.
I'll post if I go out.
There is no state park grounds at PV it is all federal, so it is a concession, during the season. The port ramp was fine and the water level is higher than most years, at this time of the year. Sorry to hear you were having stomach issues, hope you are feeling better.
Thanks for the report. Where we went to after talking to you, by the buoys, we were marking fish there too and it was closer to shore, we got bites but could not hook them. Here is a pic of our average crappie.
Nice report, but guess we didn't miss too much.
Still it is nice to get out for a while. It also give you a good opportunity to the Stabil well mixed in before winterizing the boat, right? [

We're workiong hard to get some things done outside before hard freezing really sets into the ground.
Yea, it does not appear you two are missing much at PV this year, hopefully someone else will get out there and confirm or deny, what we observed.
Since I don't know how much more gas I'll be using until the hard water season, I rarely put Stabil in with my gas this early, could be another month or longer before I put it in.