Haha,nice pics.looks like you enjoy fishing and have a great passion for it.I haven’t laid a shingle in a very long time,any roofer is ok in my book.I have been obsessed many different ways of fishing including all types of fly fishing.Lately I have been digging just driving around in my boat graphing deep fish putting my Ultrex on spotlock then seeing fish bite or not bite my lure on livescope,it’s like watching tv only your outside in a boat.LOL Roofing is a great job for fishing,shingle 6 to noon,off fishing,rains off fishing,winter off fishing.I can graph for hours and barely drop a line.
[quote TubeDude][#0000FF]
There is an old saying "I'd rather be lucky than good." That was the case with the small minnows. My regular chub spot has had it's ups and downs with the drought the past few years and has not been too productive. But I received a tip from a fellow BFTer who was doing some hunt scouting and found a small trickle with a bunch of minnows in it. Of course I followed up on it and was able to score a few bags of the little chublets. A return trip a couple of weeks later found my spot dried up and no minnows to be had.[/#0000FF]
The creeks below Scofield and Lost Creek both hold numbers of chubs. But since big chubs eat little chubs, the little ones either grow fast or disappear into the larger ones. Howsomever, the larger ones make great bait for cats...whole or pieces. And if you just want to sweeten a small jig, try filleting the big ones before freezing and using small pieces of fillet on fligs and jigs.
There are small creeks and ponds all over Utah that often have populations of chubs, shiners or fathead minnows...all legal and effective. The shiners usually suffer softness after freezing and fathead minnows are generally not as effective as chubs. At least that is my experience doing side by side comparisons on the same waters the same day.[/#0000FF]
What you have probably already deduced is that minnow dunkers are kinda secretive. They ain't include to provide GPS numbers for their fave minnowing spots. And for good reason. The place I had been using since the 1970s was still producing after I moved back to Utah in 2004. But shortly after that someone on the board posted it...along with detailed directions on how to get there...and for a while it was hit heavily.[/#0000FF]
Since then it goes up and down with varying water levels...and annual visits from pelicans and cormorants. Sometimes you can make a decent haul. Other times you don't get enough to make it worth the drive. And I have learned the hard way that "loose lips sink chubs"...or however that goes. On almost every occasion I have taken someone there to show them...in spite of protestations of secrecy...my next visit either finds others cleaning out the chubs or evidence of heavy visitation...like empty worm containers and other trash, etc.
im gonna gives ya props for superb information
as someone who doesnt have any elcetronics on any of their boats
your write ups of rabbit gulch and other reports are tight.
The choice of selective harvest or catch and release within the laws is a personal one
and i could have made a better 1st post.
i myself have a rather small social media footprint.
At this point though the majority of my fishing partners of piscatorial pursuits,
have came from the intertubes
im gonna leave my huge bros spewtube stuffs as it seems to fits with your post
maybe see ya on the water im not hard to miss
20 year old tan rotomolded hog island drifty
grizzled most likely unshaven bum lookin dude standing on a stickered yeti cooler
striving and still failing to throw all the fly line with the large junk wet articulated flying buttmonkeys
hoping the end up here
![[Image: IMG_0398_zps3nfcdejz.jpg]](https://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y195/skifishbum/Fish%2017/IMG_0398_zps3nfcdejz.jpg)
with a large entirely to damn friendly black and white landseer newfoundland furkid
![[Image: SavedImage_0616190629e12_zpsfpjxn5bm.jpg]](https://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y195/skifishbum/fish%20stoke%2018/SavedImage_0616190629e12_zpsfpjxn5bm.jpg)
"and i could have made a better 1st post."
[#0000FF]Succinctly stated. All I could see was a first time poster jumping in to start something. We have had our share of those. Howsomever, after "being exposed" to more of your "unique" rhetoric...and viewing your outstanding pictures...I have different image of you.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]In short, I recognize an angler passionate about their chosen form of piscatorial pursuit...with skills well above average...both in the capturing of fish and then capturing their images. You do good work.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Still getting used to your "style" though. We all seem to develop one. And there are many examples on this forum. Thankfully the "grammar Nazis" are at a minimum and few of our threads degenerate into syntax wars rather than fishing discussions.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]In spite of our inauspicious beginning, I think we could probably tolerate each other's company. I know I will continue to read your posts and to enjoy your excellent photography. Carry on.[/#0000FF]
Wow sorry I missed out on this back and forth, I apologize for not being online to calm the rhetoric or shut it down.. Not sure if that was a sincere ceasefire or not, but I'll try to check back and lock the thread if it starts going again. fishskibum we would appreciate less confrontation and attacks on the site, we abide by the rules of conduct or will ask you leave or lock your account. Hope you decide to live by the rules and take advantage of what is here.. Later Jeff
[#0000FF]I think we got things handled...without your timely and on-target assistance.
Well, Ben, I had my computer down for a coupla days and just got around to reading this all today. I think that TD kinda got it right in his last post--not such a bad guy but one with a unique style. His comments are as valid as anyone's, though it is hard to dig through the jargon to get to his message. It's like "abstract poetry" (is that a thing?). Not for every taste, and he might want to consider his audience before going off on flights of fantasy. However, it's a lot more interesting than posts like "Nice fish!" so I'll tolerate him a little longer. If he gets downright mean and nasty I'll step in and help him see where the line is. After all, one of the bastions of American freedom is that we tolerate all or most expressions in order to sort out the truth as we see it.
If anyone really wants to figure out what he is saying go to urbandictionary.com to get the definitions of his words. I don't have that much time but I will probably look up a few just for fun. But then I am a word nerd and find these expressions fun.
Fishskibum, one of the goals of communication is to express your ideas in such a way that someone not only can understand what you are saying but also cannot possibly misunderstand you. Also, consider your audience. Not that many millennials on here and the majority just want to learn about and discuss fishing, not wade through postmodern cant to get to your meaning. Grab yer dictionary if you want to know what I just said.
Thank you for your post. Very Motivational! And thanks for the informative fishing advice. I need to get up to Willard at least a couple times a year. I haven't been for a couple years now.
I have a question I am hoping you can address.
With all the water we had in 2019, what do you think it will bring for 2020 and 2021? For example: Fishing was difficult at Deer Creek this year for trout due to so much water, so I spent more time at UL and JR. I did make a couple trips to DC and had limited success. Others experienced the same issue at DC with a full puddle of water most the spring and summer.
Anyhow, I am just wondering what your historic observations have been.
Also, Thank you for responding firmly to the catch n release fellow. We need to keep this forum friendly and non judgmental. I know that when older large fish are harvested that it always makes room for the younger fish to mature. Besides, Wipers are soooo tasty! mmm mmm good.
"With all the water we had in 2019, what do you think it will bring for 2020 and 2021?"
[#0000FF]Dang it. My crystal ball and my magic wand are both in my Sunday pants...and they are at the cleaners. So I'll just have to guess.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]During the several decades I have been flogging Utah's waters I have fished through several cycles of up and down water years. As a general rule, low water years concentrate the fish more and anglers do well...for a while. But the low water also usually results in poorer spawning and recruitment so we have some leaner years following the good years.
[#0000FF]A high water year, like this past one, is better for fish than fishermen. More water equals more space for the same number of fish...with more widely scattered habitat. So fish may be harder to find in any concentration...although there will always be "fish magnet" areas where water conditions and/or food resources attract and hold fish. And with higher water there is usually more flooded structure to provide spawning habitat and shelter for the young of the year. That, plus more nutrients from heavy inflows makes for an increase in numbers. However, we usually don't start seeing the results on the ends of our lines for an average of 3-5 years. Slow motion benefits.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Looks like it might be another wet winter, plus water levels are still up pretty good from last year. So 2020 (good vision) will likely be close to the same as last year...fish scattered more widely through more water. That means you will have to really pay attention to what each month of the year means for the species you are after. For some that means spring spawning followed by a period of wide-open post spawn feeding...in proven congregating areas. Others spawn later and continue to feed during warmer months...while colder condition lovers go mostly nocturnal in their feeding until the fall cool down.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]In short, high water forces you to become a better student of fishyology if you want to enjoy more success. Not a bad thing. If you can do well when conditions are tougher you got it made when it gets better.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]How's that for a lot of tap-dancing blather?[/#0000FF]
tube dude and are are good with a respect for each others skills and passion
i am gonna ask him if it would bother him if they cut the willard whiper limit to 1
if it would bother him?
as theres a lotta tastey fish out there but it obviously the freight train fight he described and stoke level was similiar to mine when i hook em
theyre special fish
![[Image: 0613190953c2_zpsb22htibt.jpg]](https://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y195/skifishbum/fish%20stoke%2018/0613190953c2_zpsb22htibt.jpg)
They tells me ifin you speaks it out loud as a form of the spoken word
it tends to make it easier
or if you grew up with a butkowski ,hr thompson ,george carlin with some henry rollins
and copoius amounts of thc diet
way easier
and no ones makin ya read any stream of stonerness jargon
and like community cyber po po said im entiled to my opinons valid or otherwise
thank you for them basstoons of freedom here
as a vet i can assure you it mattered nuffs for me to take an oath for the uncle
feel free to just look at the pictures i overpay the fotosbucket people to store for me
![[Image: IMG_1014_zpsax774u5y.jpg]](https://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y195/skifishbum/Fish%2017/IMG_1014_zpsax774u5y.jpg)
or the sharing of things that make me
"i am gonna ask him if it would bother him if they cut the willard whiper limit to 1 if it would bother him? "
[#0000FF]Under the current conditions of low wiper numbers I would not be opposed to a single fish wiper (not whiper) limit. But in the past, when numbers were up, even a six fish limit did little to hurt the population. There are a lot of Willardites who release a lot more than they catch...including myself. And in times of plenty it was not far fetched to catch 20 - 30 in a day of wiper abuse.[/#0000FF]
[reply][/reply][quote fishskibum]
Hey that’s me! He don’t keep fish, but I do, ironicallyish enough that fish got eaten.
The bum’s style takes a bit to get used to but after about 15 years of reading it I’ve got it pretty dialed. It helps to spend a lot of time in the boat together. Ain’t many other people I’d rather spend time in the boat with though.
Shoulda seen his old god the first time he witnessed me cleaning a trout in Wyoming, poor pooch hadn’t ever seen a fish killed and cleaned. Newfie mind blown.
[quote catchinon]
Fishskibum, one of the goals of communication is to express your ideas in such a way that someone not only can understand what you are saying but also cannot possibly misunderstand you. Also, consider your audience. Not that many millennials on here and the majority just want to learn about and discuss fishing, not wade through postmodern cant to get to your meaning. Grab yer dictionary if you want to know what I just said.[/quote]
well ya know seeins how i have one of these on the man cave wall
![[Image: 10191915432_zpsypz4dti3.jpg]](https://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y195/skifishbum/fish%20stoke%2018/10191915432_zpsypz4dti3.jpg)
i might just be able to provide a "pro" tip or a tidbits of experience to the noobs
and discuss piscatorial pursuits with the best of em
and well easy wading doesnt make you better and learning to decifer matching or conflicting hatches is a good skill
1st tip
if catching a lot of fish is your main goal
Do not start , return to or continue to use the fly rod
there is a damn good reason no one on the bass pro tour ftw etc throws one
there is also a good reason why they dont let them use live bait[bob

if you are going to employ the whippy stick
line control is everything
squiggles unless slack line mending for a drag free drift
![[Image: IMG_3711_zps6txq5aw8.jpg]](https://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y195/skifishbum/fish%20stoke%2018/IMG_3711_zps6txq5aw8.jpg)
no pinche buenos
strip set tight lines
![[Image: IMG_3713_zpswbqa4r2r.jpg]](https://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y195/skifishbum/fish%20stoke%2018/IMG_3713_zpswbqa4r2r.jpg)
das gut
and will help
![[Image: IMG_3733%202_zpspqqlnegp.jpg]](https://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y195/skifishbum/fish%20stoke%2018/IMG_3733%202_zpspqqlnegp.jpg)
thanks to carpediem for being an awesome athlete photo slut great mechanic
and solid dude to spend time giitin and not gitten em with
lemme know ifin u need or would like more tips of the trade
and im not sure if its just me but im getting scantily clad babes and ads for clowns smoking spliff buffs
so you must know your audience
[quote fishskibum][quote catchinon]
...thanks to carpediem for being an awesome athlete photo slut great mechanic
and solid dude to spend time giitin and not gitten em with
lemme know ifin u need or would like more tips of the trade
and im not sure if its just me but im getting scantily clad babes and ads for clowns smoking spliff buffs
so you must know your audience[/quote]
This guy can't be real, right? LOL...I'm a healthcare professional of 20 yrs, and I may diagnose a recent stroke in this case. [sly]
[reply][/reply][quote richyd4u][quote fishskibum][quote catchinon]
...thanks to carpediem for being an awesome athlete photo slut great mechanic
and solid dude to spend time giitin and not gitten em with
lemme know ifin u need or would like more tips of the trade
and im not sure if its just me but im getting scantily clad babes and ads for clowns smoking spliff buffs
so you must know your audience[/quote]
This guy can't be real, right? LOL...I'm a healthcare professional of 20 yrs, and I may diagnose a recent stroke in this case. [sly][/quote]
Oh no, he’s real. Not sure about the stroke as he’s sometimes masked. While youz was healthcaring he was fishcatching.
[quote richyd4u][quote fishskibum][quote catchinon]
...thanks to carpediem for being an
awesome athlete photo slut great mechanic
and solid dude to spend time giitin and not gitten em with
lemme know ifin u need or would like more tips of the trade
and im not sure if its just me but im getting scantily clad babes and ads for clowns smoking spliff buffs
so you must know your audience[/quote]
This guy can't be real, right? LOL...I'm a healthcare professional of 20 yrs, and I may diagnose a recent stroke in this case. [sly][/quote]
if it makes ya feel betters Im a spansered skier and fisherman by a health care professional with letters behind her name that are not b u m so im good on that
Not sure how that happened I thinks cunning linquist skills mattered
anyhow protip 2
for the those who might wants a few tips about the ski sticks or the oar sticks
much like ifin you French fri
whens ya shoulda been pizzaing
![[Image: dibbsup2.jpg]](https://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y195/skifishbum/ski/dibbsup2.jpg)
ifin the oars are dipping, crabbin, or slinking
when both guns need to be firing full auto
your gonna haz a bad time
![[Image: SavedImage_0726191211b1_zpsktxipkdf.jpg]](https://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y195/skifishbum/fish%20stoke%2018/SavedImage_0726191211b1_zpsktxipkdf.jpg)
send it full bro
![[Image: P7023610.jpg]](https://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y195/skifishbum/P7023610.jpg)
![[Image: P7033622.jpg]](https://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y195/skifishbum/P7033622.jpg)
"There are a lot of Willardites who
release a lot more than they catch...including myself." [Emphasis added.]
Pat, I keep wondering how you do that. JK.[

][cool] Seems that we all have trouble expressing ourselves perfectly from time to time. I, for one, appreciate how you have extended the olive branch to fishskibum. I just wish he were more lucid.
"There are a lot of Willardites who release a lot more than they catch...including myself." [Emphasis added.]
[#0000FF]You know I meant to say "keep". But when you factor in all of the "long line releases" (conservation catches) it can easily become "catch". And then there are the fish that I PURPOSELY avoid...by jerking the lure away from them before they can chomp down solidly enough to get hooked. Saves all the wear and tear of having to battle them in, net them, remove the hook AND THEN RELEASE THEM. A great conservation of effort, if you will. We count that as a pre-catch release.[/#0000FF]
Quote:[#0000ff]We count that as a pre-catch release[/#0000ff]
Hey Pat, I LIKE that phrase.............gonna use that the next time something breaks me off at the river.......[sly]
Thanks...................Ohh, you don't have that under copy write do ya ?
[#0000FF]Although I do claim some originality in that phrase, I have not copyrighted it. Since it has universal application...to all anglers...I have unselfishly granted the right for any and all fisherfolk to use it whenever needed.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]The only downside is that the species and size of the PCR fish is unproveable, so it will not count in any contests. However, when telling the tale amongst fellow floggers it is generally acceptable that the lost fish can be whatever you claim it to be...since it was not seen and cannot be disproven by any skeptics. Just try to keep it within reason. For example the wimpy fish you "farmed" off enroute to your boat at Willard cannot be claimed as a potential world record blue marlin. Gotta set some standards and make some limitations somewhere. Otherwise, us typically honest fishermen might be tempted to exaggerate a little. Heaven forbid.