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Cookie and I have switched gears a bit and are chasing bait for the freezer with the 2020 BFT catfish contest in our minds. So far the freezer is not filling fast

Trip one. I had a work confernce call this week that I knew would last for hours. So I threw a couple minnow traps in a bear river cattails marsh hoping to bag a few carp minnows while I listen to fiscal strategies from our execs. Instead I bagged a couple 4" bullheads that wedge thier way in and a few channel cat minnows. Fun to see but quickly released

Trip 2: Cookie and i had couple hrs before sunset, so we dropped some traps in the outlet of Willard and threw in some carp rigs. Then some young kids showed up, so we pulled our carp rigs out and spent our time showing them how to catch the little sunfish that haunt that outlet and how to rig a carp rod. They had a bucket of sunfish, and a big old carp and were soaking wet and smiling when we left. When we pulled the minnow traps they were chucked full of sunfish minnows, but no carp or other target species. All realeased.

Trip 3: I was planning to meet Tubedude for some perching and minnowing, and cast net tossing lessons, at Echo Friday. Pat was on the water putting the hurt on some monster (4") perch when I got there. If you read his comments to an earlier post, he never found the school of big ones. I threw out a couple traps, n a spot I had scouth earlier that showed sign and was getting my perch gear ready, when I got a call that Dad was down. So I gathered up empty traps and gear and heaed out with a friendly wave to Pat and hopes he would fill the cooler for us both. Turned out that location had no minnows to show us love either.

So what will be trip 4,5, 6. I think I might run up to Lost Creek and target chubs for one of them. The carp were biting in the Willard outlet, so a return for cut slabs will likley occur. As for that honey hole for a trap/net full of minnows....the search continues
I like yur viddys and what you got goin on in em
I just let them poopfish go cause nobodies paying me to harvest em yet
and I gots no beef with them
but I would certainly save ya a few in karmatic trade
not that catching carp is that hard
at times anyway
im sure you probably saw but their stacked up pretty good at the outflow
probably chillin avoiding the mud buddy airboat mellow harshening up flow
[Image: SavedImage_1016191112e12_zpszslyxyln.jpg]
and no shortages of targets on the Willard side
Ya we did see the stack up of bubble mouths trying to stay away from the mud buggy props. I plan on saying hello to them soon.

As to our videos, I figure I cant hide it , so why not video it. The real question is what is "it"?