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My Smith and Morehouse report – 26 Oct 2019

I went to Smith and Morehouse today and fished from shore casting spoons and jigs. I did not even get a hit. I spoke with a few others who caught fish and looked at their catch. One gentleman caught two 12” rainbows and a 9” grayling using Jakes spin a lure in white and red. The other young couple caught two 12” rainbows off the dam using worms under a bobber.

To me they all looked like recent planters. I have not checked the stocking reports. It was very windy most of the time. Nothing big was being caught. No watercraft on the lake.

I was geared for 18” size fish. I had a couple 12” fish follow my spoons but no takers.
It is a very beautify lake. Some snow on the ground. I saw an adult female moose that walked the trail 50 yards in from of me for some time. This was my first time to see this lake and the scenery was worth the drive.

By the way the moose decided to visit my wife in the truck. See photo.
I would plan on a lot more fish under 12” than over. No feed in this lake. Practically sterile unless you are one of the 5 or 6 big tiger trout eating planter ‘bows.
I grew up fishing that lake with my dad and always love to see a report from there, thank you for sharing. Never has been great for size of fish, but yes the scenery is beautiful. Always has been a great spot to see Moose
There a few big ones in there, I attached a photo from August 2018 this was the first fish of the day caught on pop gear on the down riggers then we caught dozens of planters after that.
No disrespect and it is great seeing that girl hold a big fish, but I feel that may have been a big broodstock rainbow. Probably didn’t attain that size feeding in the lake.
[#0000FF]Disagree. That fish has all its fins and looks healthy. The big brooders DWR dumps after their final spawning look like creatures from outer/inner space.
It was a big cutthroat, unfortunately we took the picture at the end of the day after it sat in the cooler on Ice for several hours it was much prettier and as Tube Dude noted all of its fins where intact. It was the first fish we caught on our first and only trip to Smith Morehouse, we had pretty high hopes for the day after getting that one 5 minutes in, but we had a fun day regardless catching dozens of small planters and several small Kokanee after, while dodging kayaks, paddle boarders and canoes, my only gripe about that place is because of the lack of shoreline access, people where using the launch ramp as a beach.
[quote , while dodging kayaks, paddle boarders and canoes, my only gripe about that place is because of the lack of shoreline access, people where using the launch ramp as a beach.[/quote]

I know from experience exactly what your saying. That place is a complete zoo on weekends and sometimes weekdays too. Some people don't have a clue. The only reason I fished it was to go after the kokes. Glad I only fish weekdays.