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Full Version: Bonneville Whitefish run is on 11/30/2019
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Launched at the Utah State Park marina at 0830. I was the ONLY boat launching? I thought to myself, “what day is it?”. Yes, it’s Saturday and yes it’s the prime time for whitefish fishing. What the heck? Can’t believe there were no other boats. I took a total newbie today (New to fishing!) and she did great. We caught 17 WF and two decent cutthroat too. The fishing was excellent, weather was great too. Light snow but calm. We fished in 8-11’ of water using multiple colors of tube jigs and road runner jigs. Tipped with a small piece of Gulp worm. We also let another 3-4 small whitefish go. Nary one other person fishing and only one guy fishing from shore at the marina. On the way in we saw ONE other boat fishing just off the marina. Beautiful day, great fishing and awesome company. Where are the fishermen? Oh, we got about a foot of snow but the ramps were plowed to the pavement and the docks were even snowblowed-off!
Thanks Scott I’m going to play hooky one day this week and see if I can get a couple this year. Thanks for the report. Jeff
Thanks Scott. I think the condition of the roads between our houses and Bear Lake scared us off. Will be there Tuesday and glad to hear the ramps are plowed.
I too enjoyed the report. I will plan on coming up tomorrow. Thanks
I got out again today and did even better. On Saturday most of the fish were smaller (16-17”) males. Today we still caught mostly males but they were larger and we also caught the first “ripe” female, whereas no females yesterday were expressing any eggs. Just gonna get better this entire week. I added several new pics to the original post. We picked up several (5-6?) nice cutthroat too. Today I caught at least 16 whitefish. I only kept one whitefish for dinner tonight. Gosh I love this time of year.
Beautiful cutthroats and large white fish, very pretty lady... Who' that other guy?? Ha..ha..
We seen you go by us this morning. We just off the pile but the fishing was slow there. We moved to the east side but only one other boat off Cisco fishing for cutts. Nobody was fishing for white fish along the shore or in boats. We moved over to second point and did well for cutts and a couple of smaller macs in 90 feet. Several folks on the shore fishing for whites and they had a stringer full when they left. Overheard them talking to some other guys who got there late about how hot the fishing was early on for the whitefish from the shore. The cuts were coughing up some serious Cisco today but they were still interested in our white tube jigs. Overall another great day on bear lake!
Anyone else going this week? If you have an open spot in the boat, i'd love to go!
I pulled the boat up this morning. Dang that is a long way from Utah County. I got off at 0450 - went by way of Evanston and was on the water by 0800. Came back over Logan - that was longer and a "wooly b" drive. Weather was overcast (no snow) on both sides but snowing between BL and Logan and again in Sardine - go figure.

Launched at First Point and ran north to Second Point. First cast, first fish - 16" clip fin cutt. Three more whities in the next hour. Not fast, but then I am not the most experienced white fish fisherman. About then a Blue Hewescraft motored up. Fishing slowed a bit. I moved out to 12' and caught 5 more (started in 8'). Then went out deep but was unsuccessful for more cutts or macs.

Temp coming across Randolph was 9*, but warmed to 22* when I dropped down to BL. Warmed to 34* by 1230. Sky was overcast, but almost no wind.

Sorry CV, I should have put out an invite - but thought I had a companion. The daughter bailed at 0400.
That was my buddy from Garden City in the Hewes Craft. He ended up doing well and later moved up to Cisco Beach and did well there.