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Full Version: Wrong Bait!
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[Wink]I was 14, and was fishing Northern Pike in Wisconsin. A tree over-hung the water where I was fishing and a squirrel was jumping in the tree. I heard a small splash, and noticed the squirrel had fallen in the water and was trying to swim to shore. Facinated, I watched as to HUGE jaws came up from the deep, and with no splash grabbed the squirrel, alive, and pulled it down. Guess I was using the wrong bait...
that would have been something to see i have heard of baby ducks meeting the same fate
that would be cool to see, i have heard of baby ducks being taken this way. i have seen some baby duck and muskrat, fishing baits from cabellas but they were like $20-30 a peice so a little too rich for my blood. i would be afraid of loosing it.
It was pretty cool. in the 36 years I have fished, I never saw anything like it. I am a soldier in Baghdad,Iraq. I would be remiss if neglected to tell you I fished in one of Saddam's personal lakes. For some reason he was facinated with carp and freshwater eels.
LOL,, yeppers,, wrong bait..

Some would tell you in days of old that floating a mouse on a chuck of wood after hooking it through the tail,, then pulling it off once it reached the right location,, worked wonder's on the Big large mouth bass on the river........ Of course,, I'd never try suck a thing but grandpa said it worked just dandy....