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Full Version: Hot Day at Hyrum!
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Looks like your going to be filleting fish till the wee hrs. Thanks for the report!
Glad you got into them! Thanks for sharing!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]Looking at heading back up there on Wednesday if the forecast holds. Glad you found them. And 'Welcome to the site!'
Congrats on a great day, good you guys had fun and welcome to the board
Bob how did the new Bubba work on the filleting, never mind just read the PS about it on the report from last week, thanks
[quote 2knots]Bob how did the new Bubba work on the filleting, never mind just read the PS about it on the report from last week, thanks[/quote][size 4][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]It was the easiest cleaning I've ever experienced. The very narrow height of the 7" flex blade even made the removal of the rib cage after skinning a snap.[/#][/font][/size]
How big were they? Looks like a fun day!
[quote dubob][quote 2knots]Bob how did the new Bubba work on the filleting, never mind just read the PS about it on the report from last week, thanks[/quote][size 4][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]It was the easiest cleaning I've ever experienced. The very narrow height of the 7" flex blade even made the removal of the rib cage after skinning a snap.[/#800000][/font][/size][/quote]

[#0000FF]Hey Bob, I hope your new Bubba electric holds up for you. Lots of bad reviews. I looked at them last year but there were quite a few complaints about overheating quickly and the nylon gears wearing out and failing within a few months.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I liked all the advertising hype...with the four blades and fisherman-friendly design. But after reading so many rips I backed off. I'm sticking with my old workhorse American Angler electrics.[/#0000FF]
[size 4][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]I must be looking in the wrong places Pat. The overwhelming majority of reviews on Amazon, Cabelas/BPS, et al, are positive. Most negative complaints where about how the handle felt to the user and blade sharpness. A couple of batteries died early (stuff happens) but BUBBA reached out to the complainer and they were eager to make it right.

Way too early to make a final judgement on my purchase for sure. But it went through those initial 10 perch (8" to 9") with maximum ease. After this ice season and next summers soft water season (salmon, trout, walleyes, catfish, and especially wipers, I'll have a better idea if it was worth the cost.

PS: I sure do miss leaving you behind on the ramp; that was fun. [Wink] [/#][/font][/size]
[size 4][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]"PS: I sure do miss leaving you behind on the ramp; that was fun."[/#800000][/font][/size]
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[font "Arial Black"][#0000FF][size 3]Fun? All a matter of how one feels about anything purchased for fishing. From my perspective 'twern't that much fun.
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[font "Arial Black"][#0000FF][size 3]I truly hope your new hackenslasher treats you nicely and holds up well. At the time I checked there were more negatives than positives...and that was only after it had been out a short time.[/size][/#0000FF][/font]
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[font "Arial Black"][#0000FF][size 3]As you might expect, I have gone through a bunch of different knives...standard and electric. When I worked in commercial fishing and on party boats it was all basic fillet knives...and I maintained a rack of about a dozen in various sizes and shapes. When I began using electrics it was with the old "Mister Twister" cheapies. Low power and short life span. Since then I have tried just about every new model that has come down the pike...or perch...or catfish.[/size][/#0000FF][/font]
[font "Arial Black"][#0000FF][size 3]
[font "Arial Black"][#0000FF][size 3]So far, I haven't found any that I would call "perfect". Ergonomics are a major thing. But since there is a wide disparity in the hand size, strength and filleting knowledge amongst anglers it is probably impossible to design a "one knife fits all".[/size][/#0000FF][/font]
[font "Arial Black"][#0000FF][size 3]
[font "Arial Black"][#0000FF][size 3]One of the things that initially attracted me to the Bubba electric was the variety of blades. Most electrics come with only one set of blades and that just won't do if you are a multi-species angler that keeps and eats his catch. I know you are not a big catfish fan, but I would like to see how the Bubba handles a few batches of those heavy boned beasts. I know that the Rapala models start crying when you introduce them to catkind.[/size][/#0000FF][/font]
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[size 4][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][font "Arial Black"][#0000FF][size 3]For what it's worth, I'm happy to read your posts and note that there are no further mentions of your sneaky ramp departures. Have you reformed...or is it that nobody will go with you anymore?[/size][/#0000FF][/font]
[size 4][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]I'll do my best to hook & cook some catfish next soft water season. It's been a couple years since I did that. I'll let all y'all know how that pans out.

I am one who actually LIKES the way the handle fills my hand and the way in which the trigger feels and works. Less effort than either my cordless Rapala or my corded HD Mister Twister. And the short height on the 2 Flex blades make it a dream on perch and should do the same on crappie.

Stay tuned; more updates on performance and longevity to follow. [Wink][/#][/font][/size]
[#0000FF]I may regret this offer, but let's get together on Willard about Mayish...for crappies, wipers, walleyes and/or cats. I need to introduce you to the fine art of fligging. And you can dazzle me with the operation of "Bubba".
[#0000FF]But if you pull another "stealth departure", we're done.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Back on the subject of knives. The fit and feel of any knife should be natural and comfortable. I well remember a cordless electric knife I had (briefly). It was a rechargeable that did a fairly good job at filleting...but was a nightmare to hold and operate. You actually had to press two different buttons at the same time...with the same operating keep the blades moving. And even with my large hands it was tough to reach both. I tried epoxying one of the buttons permanently down but it didn't help much. I don't remember the name but here is a picture.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF][inline "CORDLESS KNIFE.jpg"]
[quote TubeDude][#0000FF]I may regret this offer, but let's get together on Willard about Mayish...for crappies, wipers, walleyes and/or cats. I need to introduce you to the fine art of fligging. And you can dazzle me with the operation of "Bubba".
[/#0000FF][/quote][size 4][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Okay - but which one of us is responsible for remembering this agreement to meet at Lake Powell in August? [Wink][/#][/font][/size]
Welcome to the site, sounds like you had a very good day at Hyrum. Were any of your perch over 10"?
To answer the size question, yes, we caught numerous 10+", but our average was about 9" for the mess of them. Also, in speaking to my brother last night, he spoke to a neighbor that apparently only 100 or so yards to our east at the same depth and he only caught 1 perch! I guess the school was holding tight to our area, so if you're not into them quickly, like coyote hunting, move. Just FYI.
[#0000FF]Done and done.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Let's see. Lake Powell in August. Isn't that the time of year it is the coolest and balmiest...with the least water wackos to contend with? Wouldn't September or even October be better...chasing wiper boils?[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]PS...sorry about the hijack to the new member. Heck of a way to be welcomed aboard. Good report. Keep 'em coming.
I thought some of those perch looked like they were over 10", good for you. Thanks for the added info on the location.