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Full Version: Man,, skunked again!
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[size 2][crazy]A recent problem with a skunk posted on the Utah form reminds me of the time (years ago,, early 70's) I'd wander like so many other's around to the "bubble-up" behind Geneva Steel Mill to fish for spawning Wallie's.. I'd worked swing shift and gotten off work at midnight and as was common during walleye spawing season I'd shot around back of the steel plant to cast a few times before heading for home..

As was common the settling pond cable area was packed with car's and pickup's when I got there but I pulled my pole and a few buck tails jigs from the back of the pickup anyway but chose to leave my chest waders in the sleeper.. I'd caught the scent of a skunk as I was getting my gear but didnt really pay a lot of attention to it. After all,, there are skunk's all over the place behind the steel mill but the wind direaction (from the northwest) should have been screaming a warning to me,, but of course,, I ignored the warnings and set about my business... After walking to the bubble-up and seeing the place was packed (shoulder to shoulder) I chose to move on down the bank. I slowly worked my way along the shoreline of the dyke between the lake and the settling pond until I was nearing the northwest corner of the dyke,, closest Lindon harbor.. Well I probably made 150 or more cast's without a taker so I decided it was time to get home,, eat dinner,, and get a bit of shut eye..

As I walked back up on the top of the dyke to head back to the pickup I heard a noise back towards the Lindon harbor so I shined my light down the dyke and I seen a large skunk wandering towards me, yet about 30 yards away.. He turned tail and litterly brought all guns to bare,, ,, but hadnt sprayed!! So,, I back stepped while keeping a close eye on the situation (so ta speak) and I decided to merely high tail it back passed the bubble-up to my pickup and avoid any problems with the lil critter.. Well,, lets just say I should have been paying a lil more attention as I got closer to the bubble-up to what was on the top of the dyke rather than what the fishermen were doing water because I think my chance of a get away would have been easier if I'd tried to walk passed the single skunk on the Lindon harbor end of the dyke,, rather than momma and her youngin's just past the bubble-up.... Needless to say I didnt feel much like Wyatt Earp at the OK corral by merely shining my flash light at their little who-haws once they swang around ready for action.. Painly put,,I was fully out gunned!! Well discression being the better part of valor I chose to take a stroll off the dyke and into the lake to get around a mad momma and her youngin's,, and,, I lived to fish another day (or night) as the case might be............

many years ago when i was catfishing at a state park in CA. i walked up to toss something in a grabage i missed my first toss which landed next to the can i bent over to pick it up and as i came back up a skunk who had been in the trach can jump out landing on the rim right in front of my face scared the beejeasus out of me ! i high tailed it out of there so fast that skunk never had a chance to spray me
Good Story coldfooter.

I once had a friend who lived in the city and came to visit me in my cabin by a lake. He brought some friends with him who also grew up and lived in the city. When they were ready to leave a skunk came out just in front of them. They thought it would be so funny to catch him and take him home that even when I told them not to they chased him. Needless to say, the only thing they caught was his scent. Now I thought that was funny! Could you imagine having to drive 50 miles home smelling like skunk in your moms new car![Smile]