03-01-2020, 01:38 AM
Went up to the Gorge yesterday am with a couple friends, Rileyfish, Super Dave and Curt to give the ice fishing a try there and hopefully get my 1st koke through the hard deck, also was looking for lakers and we figured we would give the night time burbot a shot. After stopping to get permits and reciprocal stamps as needed we arrived at Anvil around 10am, got things loaded into the sleds and headed out onto the ice
![[Image: C5-DFC2-B0-F628-4399-9-FA7-4587-D9817504.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/QpntNPt/C5-DFC2-B0-F628-4399-9-FA7-4587-D9817504.jpg)
set up from 60-95' of water between the 4 of us, wasn't marking much but Curt and Dave managed a couple of pups
![[Image: E66116-D1-75-A0-436-C-9-AC4-74-ECD7589345.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/q1tFxBH/E66116-D1-75-A0-436-C-9-AC4-74-ECD7589345.jpg)
About 3:30 we decided to head in and relocate up lake and try for some burbot but that didn't result in any action. Weather was great all day and into the night but we were ready to get dinner fixed and relax along with plan the next day
![[Image: 64-B35731-CE6-D-4-F2-E-B3-EB-277-F23-CE98-F6.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/TtD16gf/64-B35731-CE6-D-4-F2-E-B3-EB-277-F23-CE98-F6.jpg)
![[Image: BA1-BF59-C-E4-E1-4-F15-8-BC7-D61-FDAEEABD3.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/WsvTjq2/BA1-BF59-C-E4-E1-4-F15-8-BC7-D61-FDAEEABD3.jpg)
Today we went back to the Anvil area and moved to a different loc and some shallower water to give the kokes another try, after some looking we found kokes in 50' of water and fish ranging from 28' down to 40'. Caught 1 on a Neds jig (pink/white) and the other on a pink ratso below a dodger, slight jigging action. So I was able to check that off the list. Another great weather day with good friends, looking forward to some more ice fishing there in the future along with the soft water season
![[Image: 670-CA5-D0-35-D0-45-D0-AC14-D170-FD65-F5-BD.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/sCssN0k/670-CA5-D0-35-D0-45-D0-AC14-D170-FD65-F5-BD.jpg)
![[Image: D7-EB6154-EC33-4-BDC-9-C30-A8998-E418965.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/znGPFCk/D7-EB6154-EC33-4-BDC-9-C30-A8998-E418965.jpg)
![[Image: C5-DFC2-B0-F628-4399-9-FA7-4587-D9817504.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/QpntNPt/C5-DFC2-B0-F628-4399-9-FA7-4587-D9817504.jpg)
set up from 60-95' of water between the 4 of us, wasn't marking much but Curt and Dave managed a couple of pups
![[Image: E66116-D1-75-A0-436-C-9-AC4-74-ECD7589345.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/q1tFxBH/E66116-D1-75-A0-436-C-9-AC4-74-ECD7589345.jpg)
About 3:30 we decided to head in and relocate up lake and try for some burbot but that didn't result in any action. Weather was great all day and into the night but we were ready to get dinner fixed and relax along with plan the next day
![[Image: 64-B35731-CE6-D-4-F2-E-B3-EB-277-F23-CE98-F6.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/TtD16gf/64-B35731-CE6-D-4-F2-E-B3-EB-277-F23-CE98-F6.jpg)
![[Image: BA1-BF59-C-E4-E1-4-F15-8-BC7-D61-FDAEEABD3.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/WsvTjq2/BA1-BF59-C-E4-E1-4-F15-8-BC7-D61-FDAEEABD3.jpg)
Today we went back to the Anvil area and moved to a different loc and some shallower water to give the kokes another try, after some looking we found kokes in 50' of water and fish ranging from 28' down to 40'. Caught 1 on a Neds jig (pink/white) and the other on a pink ratso below a dodger, slight jigging action. So I was able to check that off the list. Another great weather day with good friends, looking forward to some more ice fishing there in the future along with the soft water season
![[Image: 670-CA5-D0-35-D0-45-D0-AC14-D170-FD65-F5-BD.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/sCssN0k/670-CA5-D0-35-D0-45-D0-AC14-D170-FD65-F5-BD.jpg)
![[Image: D7-EB6154-EC33-4-BDC-9-C30-A8998-E418965.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/znGPFCk/D7-EB6154-EC33-4-BDC-9-C30-A8998-E418965.jpg)