Well, I'm ready and so is my son. We are going to be turkey prowling for the first time this Spring in Northern Mi. He just received his gun safety certificate last fall and is anxious to show his dad that he can outshoot him (which wouldn't take much after my 9 misses this past fall on grouse).
Anyway, his grandfather just gave him a 12 guage Remington, we have a slate call we have been practicing with, we have camo, we have been scouting, we have two decoys, we have ammunition, we are anxious, we have no idea what to expect opening day. It should be fun!!!!!
sounds like a fut time, just dont get too anxious and spook the turkeys.
Hey callie good luck on the turkey hunt!
My little bro. and I put in for turkey for the first time this year. I wasn't lucky enough to draw out -- but my little bro. did. His hunt doesn't start until May -- the late hunt. I'll be going with him hopefully helping him call in a big tom. We got all our camo ready too.
that should be fun. jack and i went out yesterday lookin round, ended up seein some nice deer, but did more shootin than lookin good warm day finally! haha snowin today! haha must of got 60 yesterday. everybodys feelin spring! you?? haha and all the guys i know are out scoutin fer em too. they did well survivin this year. not as much snow as i figured we was gonna git. i think this is the last of it. thank god. WE NEED SPRING! haha later, too bad you didnt git a tag too. later[


Good luck! Keep us posted as to how you do..

]HAHAHA YESSA YOUR IN FER ALOT OF FUN! TAKE THAT VIDEO CAMARA, THATS THE TIMES THE MOST FUNNIEST, WORTH TAPIN TIMES COME! YA HEAR! haah i member me and my son, i wish i,d had one. he was so skinny, i could never find britches to fit him, haha when went and bent over to git his gun, his britches would fal down, when he shot his gun his critches would fall down. haha so i took some balin twine which went round the hay, and hitched him up with them. never fergit it. haha he looked so cute and so determined to git that turkey, whether his britches stayed up or not, haha course these were his first pair of huntin britches i got him and i didnt have time to sew em fer him ferwe went out that day, cute funny and a ball!, good luck have fun! we,ll be goin too, and my boys 29 now. so enjoy em as much as i have. i miss him bein little. later mare[


That sound like really good fun to me. Good Luck and go get um
that great, how is lonewolf doing these days? long time since he loged in. (no rush) glad to hear he is keeping busy on the outdoor seen..
have you guys been able to call in any toms or hens with them call?