Sounds like a great trip Matt and Skyler... wish I could have been there, but I guess I've stowed my ice gear for the season... Will be back next fall.. Glad they bit and you had a good trip, you've been shorted at the gorge, so I'll bet it was fun to get on some fish... Later Jeff
What depth were you catching the fish ,were there on the bottom and where on the lake . Just general area I dont want to steal a spot . I'm going Monday.
(03-14-2020, 05:58 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: [ -> ]Sounds like a great trip Matt and Skyler... wish I could have been there, but I guess I've stowed my ice gear for the season... Will be back next fall.. Glad they bit and you had a good trip, you've been shorted at the gorge, so I'll bet it was fun to get on some fish... Later Jeff
Always a

day when you put your ice gear away. I refuse to give up yet
(03-14-2020, 07:47 PM)Icejunkie2 Wrote: [ -> ]What depth were you catching the fish ,were there on the bottom and where on the lake . Just general area I dont want to steal a spot . I'm going Monday.
We were fishing renegade area in 25-30 fow
Thanks for the info iam going Monday if anyone wants to join me I've got a sled and will be taking it.
Muskyon46 - Skinny Fish Big Heads - 2 Weekends ago we also caught a lot of fish with Big Heads and Skinny Bodies. Normally the fish at The Berry are all real fat and gurthy. Interested to hear if others are experiancing the same thing? Maybe bad batch of planters?
I would say it was about 50-50 on the skinny big head fish vs. Normal bodied fish. I had a couple that were really fat for the length they were. This was by far the most fish I've seen there with the big heads which usually means they aren't getting enough food. To much competition for food sources. Could be wrong though
(03-15-2020, 03:30 PM)Justaguywaworm Wrote: [ -> ]Muskyon46 - Skinny Fish Big Heads - 2 Weekends ago we also caught a lot of fish with Big Heads and Skinny Bodies. Normally the fish at The Berry are all real fat and gurthy. Interested to hear if others are experiancing the same thing? Maybe bad batch of planters?
I've fished there 3 times this year and have done pretty well everytime. I don't think I've caught any with big heads and skinny bodies. It's been a few weeks, so maybe something has changed since I last fished. Coronavirus...........

Scofield on the other hand started off that way. Although, as the season went on, I started catching fatter cutts and less skinny ones. Plenty of fatty fat chubs.
I'm planning on hitting Strawberry, tomorrow, so I guess I'll post an update on any big headed fish with skinny bodies. Hopefully the conditions are still good for the machines.
(03-15-2020, 02:48 AM)Icejunkie2 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the info iam going Monday if anyone wants to join me I've got a sled and will be taking it.
Any luck today Brian? How was the ice holding up?
Ice was great on monday,got a little soft on top by 2pm , I fished Mud Creek bay in 30 f.o.w. just off the main lake and caught 16 cuts. Fishing was pretty good I fished from 730 until 1 . I was using meal worms on a cutter bug. I was wondering how the ice held up through the Wednesday morning shake down.
(03-20-2020, 04:48 AM)Icejunkie2 Wrote: [ -> ]I was wondering how the ice held up through the Wednesday morning shake down.
I guess we're going to find out about 7:30 this morning. 
Good Luck Bob, Matt and Skyler.... Hope the sleep over turns out to be a great trip... Later Jeff
How was the berry today Bob ,hows the was the fishing.
Sounded like they were hammering the cuts this morning, but haven't heard since. Said conditions were good in general. Pictures looked like it was snowing on them. Sorry that's all I've got so far. Later Jeff
Roads were dicey from Danial's Summit to the marina. Light snow falling until about 10:30 to 11:00. Then the sun came out and stayed out the rest of the day until I left the area around three thirty. There was 3 to 4 inches of new snow on top of layered ice which is still a foot or more thick (I didn't measure it). There is a little moisture on top of the ice but i wouldn't call it slush. Travel conditions were excellent on the ice - no slush, excellent edges, easy walking, and way thick ice. All the roads were clear when I left.
Fishing was very good for cutts. I quit fishing at 2:30 with 17 - my biggest was 20" long. Matt, Lawrence, & Skyler had larger counts than did I. Matt hit a count of 30 about 7:50 PM last night; no word on the others. There were no kokanee caught while I was there. Matt did ice one bow while I was there. It was a very good day to be ice fishing - excellent companions, excellent weather, and excellent ice conditions. It was a good way for me to end my ice fishing season. 
Wow! That looks like a great time.
Add my 17 fish for a grand total of 255. My biggest was right at 20". It definitely was a great way for me to end the season. I'm glad y'all made it home safe and sound.
Great report Matt & Bob, glad you guys got up there and rocked them... Guess I'm chasing catfish now, so probably done with the ice even though I love it... Now it looks like your tents weren't practicing the safe social distancing there... Was that a hot spot for fish? What happened to Joe? Thought he was going to be up there with you too.... Good luck if you take a day trip... Later Jeff
(03-23-2020, 03:12 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: [ -> ]Great report Matt & Bob, glad you guys got up there and rocked them... Guess I'm chasing catfish now, so probably done with the ice even though I love it... Now it looks like your tents weren't practicing the safe social distancing there... Was that a hot spot for fish? What happened to Joe? Thought he was going to be up there with you too.... Good luck if you take a day trip... Later Jeff
Thanks Jeff, I stated putting a few things away yesterday but am still holding out on going Friday depending what the weather does. Our camp set up was definitely breaking the social distancing rule. Lol. You know the spot we camped. Still as good as ever although size on the fish was down. Joe and Ryan couldn't make it cause of all the stuff going on. If and when we get back in the office I'll have some stories for you. Good luck ripping lips on those cats