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Full Version: 2020 Cat Fish Contest Skunked Again
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Well here goes another year, goal of 90 points this year.... Good luck everyone... J
[Image: FD218-E61-CAC3-41-A0-B100-B11-A91890-A69.jpg] 3-19-2020
Channel 22”
[Image: 7-BA08-EBA-3-ABA-4345-864-D-AC7-C30-CA7258.jpg] 3-19-2020
Channel 26.5”
Nice Jeff
Thanks John, yours was very nice today. Solid chunky fish. Mine was kind of skinny.
we got all the shad down here to keep them fat
Jeff, got your 2 on the sheet. converting to post on standings in a bit. 
(03-20-2020, 04:58 PM)Tin-Can Wrote: [ -> ]Jeff, got your 2 on the sheet. converting to post on standings in a bit. 

Thanks Forest... one of the few times this year that I'll be in the top three...  Later Jeff
(03-20-2020, 01:14 AM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 7-BA08-EBA-3-ABA-4345-864-D-AC7-C30-CA7258.jpg] 3-19-2020
Channel 26.5”

Good looking cats, Jeff! Good for 22 and 26.5!  
[Image: 8-EFA0-D13-B352-43-AF-ADC6-E1-E7395235-D1.jpg] 3-20-20
Channel 25.0”
(03-21-2020, 02:31 AM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 8-EFA0-D13-B352-43-AF-ADC6-E1-E7395235-D1.jpg] 3-20-20
Channel 25.0”

Jeff, I assume that hookngrinnin is scoring your contest cats.  Sent you a PM
(03-21-2020, 02:31 AM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 8-EFA0-D13-B352-43-AF-ADC6-E1-E7395235-D1.jpg] 3-20-20
Channel 25.0”
#3 Good for 25
(03-23-2020, 02:48 PM)hookngrinin Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-21-2020, 02:31 AM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 8-EFA0-D13-B352-43-AF-ADC6-E1-E7395235-D1.jpg] 3-20-20
Channel 25.0”

#3 Good for 25

  Got it
[Image: 09114-DFD-F35-A-4-BD5-B229-ED90455-E0-BA3.jpg] 3-26-2020
measured at 27”
(03-27-2020, 01:25 AM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 09114-DFD-F35-A-4-BD5-B229-ED90455-E0-BA3.jpg] 3-26-2020
measured at 27”

Very nice! Good for 27" 
(03-27-2020, 02:55 PM)hookngrinin Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-27-2020, 01:25 AM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 09114-DFD-F35-A-4-BD5-B229-ED90455-E0-BA3.jpg] 3-26-2020
measured at 27”

Very nice! Good for 27" 

 Got it. Will post today after work.
[Image: 5-A6-F5-E24-EC04-4-D5-B-B5-F3-D6-F1-E4-D423-FC.jpg] [Image: CFA15-A6-F-A312-48-EC-AD5-D-8-E8-BC85-BBA20.jpg] 3-30-20
2 at 27” each
(03-31-2020, 03:00 AM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 5-A6-F5-E24-EC04-4-D5-B-B5-F3-D6-F1-E4-D423-FC.jpg] [Image: CFA15-A6-F-A312-48-EC-AD5-D-8-E8-BC85-BBA20.jpg] 3-30-20
2 at 27” each

Very good! You have triplets now! Good for 27" each.
[Image: 5-EACC970-2480-45-A7-8-F79-DDE4408918-ED.jpg] 4-10-2020
channel 28.5”
Looks like you found a hole that had a bigger one.
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