Barry and I fished Strawberry today. We caught 112 (including one rainbow and one kokanee). Nothing over the slot, but still lots of fun. We fished in ~32' of water. Ice was in great shape with no slush.
Wow! You really have that lake dialed in. You are going to wear out your click-counter this year if this continues.
Great report Kent, almost as good as some of your Fall Berry reports from the past. I'm surprised to read you caught a koke, in 32 FOW, unless the "-" means something different than that. Did a whole school of kokes come through or was it caught on one of your unattended poles(JawJacker)?
Yes we were fishing in ~ (approximately) 32' of water. Barry caught it while fishing for cutthroats and rainbows. As far as I know a school did not come through. I had some fish hit really hard and I missed them. Who knows they may have also been a few kokanee.
(03-22-2020, 03:42 AM)kentofnsl Wrote: [ -> ]Barry and I fished Strawberry today. We caught 112 (including one rainbow and one kokanee). Nothing over the slot, but still lots of fun. We fished in ~32' of water. Ice was in great shape with no slush.
You going to give it one more ice run or are you switching to open water now
(03-22-2020, 07:21 PM)Cowboypirate Wrote: [ -> ]You going to give it one more ice run or are you switching to open water now
Who knows. The virus situation has messed up everything, but compared to what some folks are going through I have no reason to complain.
(03-22-2020, 03:40 PM)BURLEY Wrote: [ -> ]Wow! You really have that lake dialed in. You are going to wear out your click-counter this year if this continues.
I certianly hope so. Maybe I will have to only click twice, for each fish, and divide by two, instead of clicking three times, for each fish, and dividing by three.