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Hey new to the site I am wondering if anyone can give me some information about catching perch ice off. Do they still hang around the areas I caught them at ice fishing? (cemetery point and the narrows) Thanks!
(03-28-2020, 02:03 AM)Uplandman Wrote: [ -> ]Hey new to the site I am wondering if anyone can give me some information about catching perch ice off. Do they still hang around the areas I caught them at ice fishing? (cemetery point and the narrows) Thanks!
Perch are about the first species to spawn early each year.  The spawn happens on most waters right about iceout time.  On some waters they have even been known to spawn under the ice.  Sometimes as late as May.  It can vary.

Bottom line is that once the spring fling gets going perch are hard to find and harder to catch.  After spawning they usually go back out to deeper water and sulk until summer temps warm the water to 60 degrees or more.  Then you can find them inshore and shallow until fall.

Don't know anyone who does well on perch in Pineview from now until at least late May or the first of June.  But the crappies will be moving in to the near shore brush and stickups in the next weeks.
Thank you! That's exactly what I was wondering.