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Full Version: A little Flig Practice
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So, I'm sitting here with my headset on waiting to start my next bussiness meeting. Feels odd. Like a air traffic controller talking to an invisible audience... oh well, figure I would post my latest flig efforts whilst I await human voices.

Been using some of our sequester time to begin my flig making journey. Broke out my notes from Pat demo last fall and his written tutorials, gathered up what supplies I could find around the house and started singing Pat's fligalometry anthem while making a general mess in Cookies kitchen.

Goal was big, big, fligs to float some big baits. I wont share my first trial run photos. Pat was kind enough to offer additional classes after seeing them. Kinda like my dad offered me additional training when seeing my first attempt at stacking hay - after a trip to the wood shed. Much nicer than Cookie who declared my attempt at baby carp as "looks like somthing I changed diapers for".

I will share my second effort as they are starting to look less like mutated versions of Pat flig art and more like somthing I seen flying on radio antenna down South when I lived there for a short, wonderful, bbq induced bliss of two years - and if southern boys can fly em, i can fish em.

These are 1 " thick with tapers and 1.25 long on 6 and 7 size hooks. Tails are what ever i could steal from cookies craft room - dont tell her.

Cookie said Pat named his, so she will name mine. From left to right...BIG Bubba Bluegill, Perchrex, The abominable Cat Killer, and King Carp.

Oh and I did a very scientific experiment- I added little smokies to them in a glass of water to see how many they would float. Got up to three and ran out of hook. Not that I fish with little smokies, but they were handy.

Now back to that meeting.
[Image: 20200331-085809.jpg]
Nice, now go catch some fish with them, if you can find out where to go.
(03-31-2020, 03:19 PM)Cowboypirate Wrote: [ -> ]So, I'm sitting here with my headset on waiting to start my next bussiness meeting. Feels odd. Like a air traffic controller talking to an invisible audience... oh well, figure I would post my latest flig efforts whilst I await human voices.

Been using some of our sequester time to begin my flig making journey. Broke out my notes from Pat demo last fall and his written tutorials, gathered up what supplies I could find around the house and started singing Pat's fligalometry anthem while making a general mess in Cookies kitchen.

Goal was big, big, fligs to float some big baits. I wont share my first trial run photos. Pat was kind enough to offer additional classes after seeing them. Kinda like my dad offered me additional training when seeing my first attempt at stacking hay - after a trip to the wood shed. Much nicer than Cookie who declared my attempt at baby carp as "looks like somthing I changed diapers for".

I will share my second effort as they are starting to look less like mutated versions of Pat flig art and more like somthing I seen flying on radio antenna down South when I lived there for a short, wonderful, bbq induced bliss of two years - and if southern boys can fly em, i can fish em.

These are 1 " thick with tapers and 1.25 long on 6 and 7 size hooks. Tails are what ever i could steal from cookies craft room - dont tell her.

Cookie said Pat named his, so she will name mine. From left to right...BIG Bubba Bluegill, Perchrex, The abominable Cat Killer, and King Carp.

Oh and I did a very scientific experiment- I added little smokies to them in a glass of water to see how many they would float. Got up to three and ran out of hook. Not that I fish with little smokies, but they were handy.

Now back to that meeting.
Coming along well, glasshoppah.  I have no doubts that they will catch fish.  And not just when the fish are opening their mouths to laugh.  Not bad.  Better than some of my first efforts.

Tell Cookie to be patient.  One of my favorite all-time movie lines was from the Tom Selleck movie "High Road to China".  After expressing his desire to get out of a small Chinese village in which he was stranded, a village elder reminded him:  "The oxen is slow...but the earth is patient".  As with all new endeavors, practice improves the outcome.

But, as the other old saying goes..."If at first you don't succeed...maybe you just suck."  Something like that.

After you have developed a better feel for the process a short followup session at my playroom might help accellerate the learning curve.  The offer is always open.
Pat, my shipment of the good dense foam came in today. I can actually shape this with the dremel. Round three is in production. Cookie did not even make a smart a remark when she checked the progress this evening. Just rolled her eyes and told me to clean up this time when I am done. Feels like progress on all fronts
Round three, Pat. This time with proper jig hooks (vs those bass worm hooks I was experimenting with). Also with the right dense foam. Now I can actually shape things a bit. That is definitely going to require a follow up class as my hands were a bit shaky with the dremel. Still big body style with 3/4" foam plugs this time but sticking with 1.25 long on a #6 jig hook. Tail, well ya, that is a work in progress. That will be part will also require reeducation. I think I need to split the plug and start the material inside.
[Image: 20200403-085606.jpg]

Round three, Pat. This time with proper jig hooks (vs those bass worm hooks I was experimenting with). Also with the right dense foam. Now I can actually shape things a bit. That is definitely going to require a follow up class as my hands were a bit shaky with the dremel. Still big body style with 3/4" foam plugs this time but sticking with 1.25 long on a #6 jig hook. Tail, well ya, that is a work in progress. That will be part will also require reeducation. I think I need to split the plug and start the material inside.
[Image: 20200403-085606.jpg]

Round three, Pat. This time with proper jig hooks (vs those bass worm hooks I was experimenting with). Also with the right dense foam. Now I can actually shape things a bit. That is definitely going to require a follow up class as my hands were a bit shaky with the dremel. Still big body style with 3/4" foam plugs this time but sticking with 1.25 long on a #6 jig hook. Tail, well ya, that is a work in progress. That will be part will also require reeducation. I think I need to split the plug and start the material inside.
[Image: 20200403-085606.jpg]
(04-03-2020, 03:05 PM)Cowboypirate Wrote: [ -> ]Round three, Pat. This time with proper jig hooks (vs those bass worm hooks I was experimenting with). Also with the right dense foam. Now I can actually shape things a bit. That is definitely going to require a follow up class as my hands were a bit shaky with the dremel. Still big body style with 3/4" foam plugs this time but sticking with 1.25 long on a #6 jig hook. Tail, well ya, that is a work in progress. That will be part will also require reeducation. I think I need to split the plug and start the material inside.
[Image: 20200403-085606.jpg]
Looking better.  And with more practice you will keep improving.  As I have stated before, my first efforts were pretty shabby too.
Tieing the tails on after painting will work.  But you WILL get a cleaner end result by wrapping the material on before splitting the foam and the tail materials are inside the foam.  Fish will still eat it.  I caught lots of fish on the ones I used to wrap after the fact.  But I didn't paint until after I had wrapped the tails...and I tried to build up the wraps and level them so they looked more like the body.  See attached pics for former wraps and current models.  Will be glad to conduct a followup session whenever you are ready. helps to have a fly-tying vise but not necessary.  I can show you how to fab a working model for cheap.  (Think clothes pin)

[Image: TIE-TAIL.jpg] [Image: INSERT-HOOKS.jpg] [Image: TAILED-FLIGS-2.jpg]
Pat, round 4. Found my fly tying vice. Put the tails on first and cut into the foam for a better fit. Much better. these are on a #1 hooks, so much smaller body. Found my self painting my fingers a lot. So found my hemostats. That helpped...

Cookie had a good cat on yesterday on a King sized flig painted in catfish colors.

My UV blast came. That really helps.

[Image: 20200409-124629.jpg]
(04-09-2020, 06:53 PM)Cowboypirate Wrote: [ -> ]Pat, round 4. Found my fly tying vice. Put the tails on first and cut into the foam for a better fit. Much better. these are on a #1 hooks, so much smaller body. Found my self painting my fingers a lot. So found my hemostats. That helpped...

Cookie had a good cat on yesterday on a King sized flig painted in catfish colors.

My UV blast came. That really helps.

[Image: 20200409-124629.jpg]
The proper tools...hemostat and vise...will make your fliggin' life easier.  Now, with every new batch your skills will improve and you will get even more enjoyment out of having one destroyed by a big ol' biggun.  Tell cookie that "nearly almosts" can't be scored in the contest.  Otherwise there would be no real entries...just wishful fishful.
I like this maybe that is why I catch fish with stuff I make
(And not just when the fish are opening their mouths to laugh.)
You do fine work.  As Clint Eastwood said, "A man has got to know his limitations."  I know mine and that is why I don't make my own fligs or my own fishing rods.
(04-09-2020, 07:33 PM)TubeDude Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-09-2020, 06:53 PM)Cowboypirate Wrote: [ -> ]Pat, round 4. Found my fly tying vice. Put the tails on first and cut into the foam for a better fit. Much better. these are on a #1 hooks, so much smaller body. Found my self painting my fingers a lot. So found my hemostats. That helpped...

Cookie had a good cat on yesterday on a King sized flig painted in catfish colors.

My UV blast came. That really helps.

[Image: 20200409-124629.jpg]

The proper tools...hemostat and vise...will make your fliggin' life easier.  Now, with every new batch your skills will improve and you will get even more enjoyment out of having one destroyed by a big ol' biggun.  Tell cookie that "nearly almosts" can't be scored in the contest.  Otherwise there would be no real entries...just wishful fishful.

Looking good!  Some of those feathers look like they might have come from a Vegas show girl costume.  Tongue Those are a lot better than my attempts.