I have been thinking about carrying some kind of non-perishable catfish bait in case I ever run out of the fresh stuff. Something like Gulp! minnows or along those lines? Maybe PowerBait something? Any ideas?
(05-01-2020, 04:07 PM)catchinon Wrote: [ -> ]I have been thinking about carrying some kind of non-perishable catfish bait in case I ever run out of the fresh stuff. Something like Gulp! minnows or along those lines? Maybe PowerBait something? Any ideas?
Craig, there are hundreds of commercial baits for Cats. And probably as many more that are catters "favorite standby secret" baits. Although Cats tend to go for many different things at different times, and places, I have caught more fish of more species on the good old nitecrawler worm. My theory about that is, worms are probably the most common naturally occurring bait item in most any fresh water. Now, you are looking for something you can carry in a small bait bucket but not have to keep refrigerated. I was just perusing thru some baits online a few days ago, and I saw many, many commercial baits that were advertised as Cat catchers. There were even several that were supposedly processed worms, made into hook size pellets. I have tried a few commercial Cat baits with varied success or lack thereof. I actually have a bag of Gulp brand Cat baits that are supposedly chicken liver flavored. I have not caught anything on that bait yet this year. But it sticks to the hook well, and slowly dissolves as the bait soaks. And I keep it in a small 6 pack size cooler, but not refrigerated.
So I guess you can do lots of experimenting. 
I have caught lots of cats on a 3 inch shaky shad gulp minnoe tipped with just enough night crawler to cover the hook. Both at utah lake and willard. And just a plain old night crawler works well also.
I've tried about 10-15 commercial type brand pellet, nugget, dip bait and i have yet to catch a fish on them. It's a bit pricey but some friends back east have success on secret 7 and you have to order it online I believe and in even comes in a kit. But not sure if it's meant to catch fish or fisherman but I'm going to give it a try.
ive heard of people catching them on the gulp worms but cannot confirm, ive caught a hand full on curly tails, and gulp minnow but not enough to actually go out and throw them in hopes of cats.
I know a select few folks who swear by the special catfish "dough baits" and dips. But they are definitely in the minority. Most who try that stuff and then use the more natural baits...worms, shrimp, liver, carp meat, white bass, minnows, etc...usually find they catch more and bigger fish on the latter group.
But...Gulp products have a great fish attractant built it. They catch just about all species...including catfish. However, the Gulp Minnows, grubs and worms work better when added to a jighead or spinner than they do if just soaked on the bottom. In waters clear enough to allow catfish to become sight feeders they chase down live prey...and will hit lures...but they hit lures better if there is also some "smell-good" on the hooks. Gulp minnows produce well then.
I had fun one time and used hot dogs for cat bait. It worked. I don't know that I would do it if I were fishing seriously, but, it did work.
Anglinarcher pid= Wrote:I had fun one time and used hot dogs for cat bait. It worked. I don't know that I would do it if I were fishing seriously, but, it did work.
I have heard the hotdog trick. Never tried before. Interesting! Always liked carp meat.
(05-08-2020, 03:52 AM)Sherman75 Wrote: [ -> ]Anglinarcher pid= Wrote:I had fun one time and used hot dogs for cat bait. It worked. I don't know that I would do it if I were fishing seriously, but, it did work.
I have heard the hotdog trick. Never tried before. Interesting! Always liked carp meat.
I have a family member that swears by the hot dog as bait for UL cats. He threads them onto a Treble hook on a leader. Not sure if he goes with the cheapest, or a certain type. On the flip side, if you get hungry, you have lunch.
Obviosly I don't fish Utah Lake very often, once or maybe twice a year. But I usually take a package of cheap hotdogs with me and sometimes the biggest cat of the day will come on them. My kids liked to use them. They are also my go to bait when fishing community ponds. The stocked cats will eat these over any other bait that I have found.
A member that use to post on BFT years ago, swore that hotdogs soaked koolaid overnight was the best thing he had ever used.
One option for non perishible bait is heavily salted cut bait. Use medium coarse salt, like kosher pickling salt. Get a 5 pound bag. Cut up your white bass and pack it with lots of salt in a small tote. Drain the liquid a couple times until it is fairly shrivled up and put it in a bag with some more salt.
We used to fish for halibut with salted herring in Alaska. It will last a long time like that. Once you put it in the water it will start to soften up, but stays on your hook well.
Several years ago, when I was experimenting with different catfish bait, I used slices of hot dogs soaked in vinegar and also some soaked in vanilla. Both caught plenty of cats at Willard Bay; however, I didn't like fishing with them because they would often come off during the cast.
(05-08-2020, 02:14 PM)Jig-fisher Wrote: [ -> ]Obviosly I don't fish Utah Lake very often, once or maybe twice a year. But I usually take a package of cheap hotdogs with me and sometimes the biggest cat of the day will come on them. My kids liked to use them. They are also my go to bait when fishing community ponds. The stocked cats will eat these over any other bait that I have found.
[font]Years ago when I fished the Roy Pond pretty regular, we used Lil' Smokies. Smaller than a hot dog, a bit thicker skin and meat, stayed on the hook a bit better, and we kept them in our small 6 pack ice chest. If the fish were not biting, we would snack on them.