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Hit Rockport last Saturday and definitely wasn’t the only one fishing. Surface water temp was 56 and started doing a slow troll from the raft and caught a couple 15 inch bows on black and green buggers. After pumping a few throats, I noticed tons of black and silvery chironomids so we anchored up 20 yards from shore near a rock outcropping and tossed out chironomids and black balanced leeches 8 feet under an indicator and had a good time. It wasn’t fast fishing but every time you’d start looking away from the indicator it would suddenly take off under water. Had a couple that set themselves and was glad I had the rods firmly secured in holders. All in all, landed about 8 total with 6 that were chunky and between 16-18 inch bows. Beautiful day to be out on the water and much needed therapy for the soul.  [Image: 5471-DF58-8150-45-A5-A287-260-D8-D403-DDD.jpg]
That's a nice chunky rainbow alright.

Thanks for the report.
Thanks for the report! I'm glad to see some fellow fly anglers getting out to the reservoirs. I've never fished Rockport much, looks like there are some nice fish in there.

Thanks for also saying what you used Smile

Nice report and a good looking 'bow. Thanks for posting.

Heard on the news this morning Rockport is closed now for E. coli
Nice to hear Rockport is producing. I fished it once last season and hope to get up there again this year. I tied up some chironomids over the winter that I'm itching to try out.

Looks like just the Pinery picnic area is affected, and the rest of the State park is available to use:

From here:
NOTICE: Summit County Health Dept. has issued a health advisory for the Pinery Picnic area after elevated levels of E.coli were found. Visitors are advised to not swim or wade in the water in this area. The remainder of the state park and reservoir remains open. Learn more here.
(05-27-2020, 04:41 PM)JArner Wrote: [ -> ]Nice to hear Rockport is producing. I fished it once last season and hope to get up there again this year. I tied up some chironomids over the winter that I'm itching to try out.

Looks like just the Pinery picnic area is affected, and the rest of the State park is available to use:

From here:
NOTICE: Summit County Health Dept. has issued a health advisory for the Pinery Picnic area after elevated levels of E.coli were found. Visitors are advised to not swim or wade in the water in this area. The remainder of the state park and reservoir remains open. Learn more here.
How did the river look?  Is it still running high?
(06-14-2020, 04:50 PM)doitall5000 Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-27-2020, 04:41 PM)JArner Wrote: [ -> ]Nice to hear Rockport is producing. I fished it once last season and hope to get up there again this year. I tied up some chironomids over the winter that I'm itching to try out.

Looks like just the Pinery picnic area is affected, and the rest of the State park is available to use:

From here:
NOTICE: Summit County Health Dept. has issued a health advisory for the Pinery Picnic area after elevated levels of E.coli were found. Visitors are advised to not swim or wade in the water in this area. The remainder of the state park and reservoir remains open. Learn more here.
How did the river look?  Is it still running high?
[Image: IMG-7127.jpg][Image: IMG-7128.jpg][Image: IMG-7129.jpg]

Here are some pictures of the river right off the south entrance road. They were taken on June 10. I believe the reservoir is at (was) at 98% fill. The river is very high and silty.