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Full Version: Summer Stillwater Boxes
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Been doing a lot of tying over the past week anticipating a switch from the 6,000-7,500 foot reservoirs to the high mountain lakes for the summer. Thought I would attach pics of the three fly boxes that I carry with me... got a little bit of room yet... anything missing?

[Image: zzz-Stillwater-Box-01.jpg]

[Image: zzz-Stillwater-Box-02.jpg]

[Image: zzz-Stillwater-Box-03a.jpg]

[Image: zzz-Stillwater-Box-03b.jpg]
Very nice
(06-14-2020, 08:41 PM)Joe_Dizzy Wrote: [ -> ]Been doing a lot of tying over the past week anticipating a switch from the 6,000-7,500 foot reservoirs to the high mountain lakes for the summer. Thought I would attach pics of the three fly boxes that I carry with me... got a little bit of room yet... anything missing?

[Image: zzz-Stillwater-Box-01.jpg]

[Image: zzz-Stillwater-Box-02.jpg]

[Image: zzz-Stillwater-Box-03a.jpg]

[Image: zzz-Stillwater-Box-03b.jpg]

Very nice.  Looks like you have the bases covered.
Nice looking bunch of flies! You look to be a talented tyer.
Are there a few scuds in the last picture? You need a few more. I'd say a half dozen each of chewy goo and pink scud flies- I like my beaheaded but that's a personal preference. Otherwise you have enough flies to catch 30,000 fish I would estimate. Not to worry- I do too.
Thanks guys. Really getting excited to return to the mountains next week for some mixed bag action.

@Joe_Hill... excellent point on the scuds... never want to be caught short-handed on that fly, especially at/above treeline. The one I use most often is a Rich Osthoff pattern called the Fast Sinking Scud:
[Image: Recipe-stillwater-Fast-Sinking-Scud.jpg]

After watching this Brian Chan video last night though, I am thinking that I haven't given the indicator approach enough attention. And for that I think I might try your beadhead approach: