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Full Version: Kokanee Jordanelle Thurs
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Ran up to Jordanelle for a few hours Thurs morning, had to get back for dentist appt. My next favorite thing to do after fishing.
Action was spotty for the two of us, we could not seem to find any area of concentration.  I Tried a few spots and we got one here and one there. Ended up hooking 8 landed 5 let one small one go that was lightly hooked. Size on the biggest was 19" and very healthy fat fish.
Tired very early and it did not seem to make a difference got most action after sunrise, Standard set up, pink squids, silver dodger or Sling Blade. Did get one incidental wiper while trolling for Kokanee.[Image: Kokes-Jordanelle-6-25-20.jpg]
Are you finding them spread out , or localized to one spot?? How was the crowd?
Past trips I have found areas that seem to have concentrations, this trip they were spread out. As I mentioned it was one fish here and one fish there type of day. Usually hit a number of doubles and a fair amount of triples. This trip all singles and moved around a lot to catch them.
Thanks, it is true now for strawberry. So much boat traffic.
I'm headed up on Tuesday after the circus is over.
Hit Jordanelle this morning and thanks to Mildog's tips I was able to get a nice batch of salmon.

They all came at 30 feet down and orange was the preferred color.

[Image: IMG-20200627-065725106-HDR.jpg]
(06-28-2020, 04:09 AM)a_bow_nut Wrote: [ -> ]Hit Jordanelle this morning and thanks to Mildog's tips I was able to get a nice batch of salmon.

They all came at 30 feet down and orange was the preferred color.

[Image: IMG-20200627-065725106-HDR.jpg]
Heading up to Deer Creek this afternoon for 4 days, I have never fished Jordanelle so I may have to give it a try for kokanee instead of strawberry, sounds like strawberry is getting hit pretty hard.