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So, hit Lincoln this morning at about 5:30 and headed out west of the orchards. I was dragging a wb head when I got a snag and had to stop long enough to shake my rod in an attempt to dislodge the snag , no luck so slipped the electric into reverse and went back to unsnag or break off. Started back and realized I was not gaining on the "snag."  Tightened the line and the 'snag" took off for Bird Island with my drag smokin'. I could tell I had a good fish on and we went the rounds for 10-15 minutes while I tried to gain on him. Every time I got him close enough to see me he would put on a long run and the fight would start over. Several trips around the boat, dodging the electric and the outboard and finally got the net under him. Almost more than I could lift with one arm. Got him in the boat and knew I had a good one... had to stuff him in the live well.

Back at the launch I got a tape on him and he just touched 34 inches, a personal best. Threw him on the scales and he was just over 20 pounds. Not quite the 36 incher I have been chasing for years but I am getting closer. Best part of the catch was the release.

[Image: DSC01194.jpg]

To be continued...

Wow, what a fish. Congratulations!
What a pig. As hard as you been working for it, you deserve that one.
Wow, that's a monster, congrats. You must have a huge livewell.
(09-03-2020, 07:09 PM)Boatloadakids Wrote: [ -> ]So, hit Lincoln this morning at about 5:30 and headed out west of the orchards. I was dragging a wb head when I got a snag and had to stop long enough to shake my rod in an attempt to dislodge the snag , no luck so slipped the electric into reverse and went back to unsnag or break off. Started back and realized I was not gaining on the "snag."  Tightened the line and the 'snag" took off for Bird Island with my drag smokin'. I could tell I had a good fish on and we went the rounds for 10-15 minutes while I tried to gain on him. Every time I got him close enough to see me he would put on a long run and the fight would start over. Several trips around the boat, dodging the electric and the outboard and finally got the net under him. Almost more than I could lift with one arm. Got him in the boat and knew I had a good one... had to stuff him in the live well.

Back at the launch I got a tape on him and he just touched 34 inches, a personal best. Threw him on the scales and he was just over 20 pounds. Not quite the 36 incher I have been chasing for years but I am getting closer. Best part of the catch was the release.

[Image: DSC01194.jpg]

To be continued...


That is AWESOME Lynn!!!!!!!! I been pulling for ya pal. Great fish for a great guy.
Lynn great going. I'm so happy for you. My kids said great job as well.
Well done, son.  You deserve it.
Wow! Happy for you!
(09-03-2020, 07:09 PM)Boatloadakids Wrote: [ -> ]So, hit Lincoln this morning at about 5:30 and headed out west of the orchards. I was dragging a wb head when I got a snag and had to stop long enough to shake my rod in an attempt to dislodge the snag , no luck so slipped the electric into reverse and went back to unsnag or break off. Started back and realized I was not gaining on the "snag."  Tightened the line and the 'snag" took off for Bird Island with my drag smokin'. I could tell I had a good fish on and we went the rounds for 10-15 minutes while I tried to gain on him. Every time I got him close enough to see me he would put on a long run and the fight would start over. Several trips around the boat, dodging the electric and the outboard and finally got the net under him. Almost more than I could lift with one arm. Got him in the boat and knew I had a good one... had to stuff him in the live well.

Back at the launch I got a tape on him and he just touched 34 inches, a personal best. Threw him on the scales and he was just over 20 pounds. Not quite the 36 incher I have been chasing for years but I am getting closer. Best part of the catch was the release.

[Image: DSC01194.jpg]

To be continued...

Wow thar is huge. Knew they were there just never caught one. Or saw one that big.
Dang Lynn way to go. You been killing it all summer. Happy for you for sure. Would be fun to be drug around by that fish in a float tube
Nice going, contrats on a big cat!!!!
That is a freaking monster!  Great fish and congrats on putting a huge cat in the net.

Come on Ahi and you northern catters, he's set the mark, now lets go catch him.
(09-03-2020, 07:09 PM)Boatloadakids Wrote: [ -> ]So, hit Lincoln this morning at about 5:30 and headed out west of the orchards. I was dragging a wb head when I got a snag and had to stop long enough to shake my rod in an attempt to dislodge the snag , no luck so slipped the electric into reverse and went back to unsnag or break off. Started back and realized I was not gaining on the "snag."  Tightened the line and the 'snag" took off for Bird Island with my drag smokin'. I could tell I had a good fish on and we went the rounds for 10-15 minutes while I tried to gain on him. Every time I got him close enough to see me he would put on a long run and the fight would start over. Several trips around the boat, dodging the electric and the outboard and finally got the net under him. Almost more than I could lift with one arm. Got him in the boat and knew I had a good one... had to stuff him in the live well.

Back at the launch I got a tape on him and he just touched 34 inches, a personal best. Threw him on the scales and he was just over 20 pounds. Not quite the 36 incher I have been chasing for years but I am getting closer. Best part of the catch was the release.

[Image: DSC01194.jpg]

To be continued...

Lynn, Vi and I are absolutely elated to learn of your trophy. We were excited when Vi brought in a 30.5" to the boat today. Well done my friend!

WOW!!!! That is a monster Lynn. looks like the big boys are down south this year. Congratulations.
WOW, CONGRATS  I agree with all the above  Cool
Now that's what I'm talking about! It sure makes my big ones look like guppies. I think that puts you with biggest fish in the contest and if Vi caught a 30.5 then the South Team should have the lead. Can't wait to see the scores updated. You sure have me motivated to get back out there after my own PB; this looks like the year for it.

Just wanted to ask you (or anyone) a question. You mentioned you had to steer the fish around both motors. I guess we have all got tangled up in one before. What do you do to avoid that? I raise my main motor up until the prop is almost completely out of the water (my Bimini frame won't let me go higher). Is there any way to help with the trolling motor? The other day when I was dead in the water while landing a fish the boat drifted in such a way that the line of my second rod got wrapped into the inner part of the prop. Tried everything to get it out and finally had to just cut it off short on both ends. Will that cause any problem? I have no idea how to pull it apart and get that bit of line out.
I raise my main motor when I troll. I learned a lesson when I first used an electric motor years ago.  It was a transom mount motor and I got line wrapped in mine.  There was a prop nut I unscrewed and removed the prop to clean the line out. It was slowing my motor down and putting strain on the motor. I learned not to shut my motor off if I am trolling.  I can reduce speed, but my lines will tangle if I don't keep it on.

Now with my bow mount motor, I don't have fish near the motor because I am playing them out the back of the boat. Still leave it on as I'm playing fish.
Thanks all for the good words. That fish is one i won't forget. Sure wish my usual crew could have been with me but alas, they have gone temporarily insane -- they prefer girlfriends to fishing. I got 'em hooked while they were young so I suspect they will eventually return to normal.

It is good to see the south make some good progress toward the upper echelons of the contest. We have been licking our wounds for the past couple of years so maybe it is in fact time for the south to rise again. The way John and Paul started off the year I didn't have much hope after the first couple of months. Sept. and Oct. should produce some good fish so it ain't over 'til it's over.

I went out again today. Met Richard and Vi at the ramp. They had a great day yesterday and were heading  back to the same area. The water was very calm today so I made the 6-7 mile run over to the Knolls. Did okay, about 8-10 mid-20 cats. I'm backing off for a week or so to avoid the crowds and the hot weather. Then the chase begins again for that illusive 36 incher. Cool

To be continued...

Lynn aka BLK
Nice Cat!
AWESOME CAT Lynn !!!   Pending Jeff's okie dokie that will put you at 96.5 for top 3 Cats. 
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