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Anyone have any recent info on where to buy state park annual pass? Any info would be appreciated.
I tried online, Utah Lake Park, Deer Creek Park. All out of inventory. 
You should be able to get one online, can't understand why you can't. Are you going to the Utah State Park's website ?? If that is the case, try one of the smaller parks, like Rockport, Echo, or East Canyon. Here is the URL to get to the proper page to buy online !!
Thank you, Therapist.
i did try to purchase online. it is out of inventory...

[Image: Capture.png]
I had the same issue.  Tried many different days online with the same result as you.  I had tried EC and Willard, but they were out and told me to try online.  I mentioned my dilemma to a friend and he told me to try the Antelope Island park entrance.  It is just a couple miles away from my house so I stopped after work 2 weeks ago.  Bingo, they had them.  Not sure now, but at the time they had quite a few.
I purchased my yearly pass at Rockport about 4 weeks ago. They still might have some in stock for sale. I would call the state park office.
I can't help you find one, but my guess is that they are out because their supplier/printer is closed due to the Great Covidiocy.
That is the craziest thing I have ever heard, being out of passes. I would make a call to the DNR & Parks people and make a LOUD complaint. They should be able to give you some type of electronic record, or even a temporary sticker till they get them back in stock!! Incredible!!!
I found them out at Deer Creek, but got one online. Paid and printed the receipt. It came in the mail last week ( about a week after I bought it).
I tried that at East Canyon and they said they didn't have a way to record it or to have my daily fee go towards a new pass.  Referred me to purchase online, which was out of inventory.
(09-11-2020, 11:36 PM)crappieonly Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone have any recent info on where to buy state park annual pass? Any info would be appreciated.
I tried online, Utah Lake Park, Deer Creek Park. All out of inventory. 
Bought mine at south marina willard bay