I am going to be in the Park City area this weekend. I have tried to get a guide last minute, but having trouble. I would just as soon spin fish anyway, but bringing my fly gear too (sorry, not a purist - I'm from Texas and would use baitcasting equipment if I could

). If there are any suggestions on a spot close to Park City to walk in and fish (I will have my waders and can be river, stream, lake - pretty much anything where I can cast an artificial lure, fly, etc.), please feel free to pass it along. Prefer trout by the way - plenty of bass down here.
BTW - if you are ever coming to the DFW area, track me down and mention you saw me on here and I am happy to take you bass fishing in my Ranger.
Thanks in advance!!
Welcome to Utah. From Park City you can go in several different directions to find both trout and non-trout waters. And the fishing is just turning on for the fall fling. If you head toward Evanston, WY you will reach Rockport and Echo Reservoirs. Both have trout and bass...and perch. The river in between is great for brown, cutthroat and rainbow trout...flies or spinning. Head south on Hwy 40 and you will find Jordanelle and Deer Creek Reservoirs...both with bass and trout...and other species. Also the Provo River between the two reservoirs and below Deer Creek. Great trout waters for a fly flinger.
Do a little online searching for each of these waters...or stop by Sportsmans or other local tackle purveyors for up to the minute info. And I'm sure there will be other replies.
This is a banner time of year for Deer Creek and the Provo River between Jordanelle and Deer Creek. Here is some basic info on Deer Creek.
thank you very much. I just found a guide for a half-day as well, so between this and him, I hope it will be a great trip!
Doesn't look like Mama Nature will mess with you too badly over the weekend. A bit of a cooldown on Saturday. But no hurricanes or tornadoes.
In my working years I got to fish quite a bit of Texas...with temporary assignments in the Dallas, Houston and San Antonio areas. Always had someone in the companies I worked with who had boats and tackle so I had some good free quide service. I think I like the gulf coast salt water fishing best.
Good luck and hope you get to see some of the trees coloring up. That's one purty part of Utah. Also hope you get to exercise some of our finny citizens.
If you're not really into the populated ponds and want to see more of the wild Utah, although it will probably still have it's share of population.. You could try the Mirror Lake highway up through the Uintas and there are a bunch of small lakes scattered along the way. The fish are small, but usually hungry and glad to take a fly flung to them... I love these high country lakes it's so beautiful up that way... just a different option you may want to try... Good luck... J
I would suggest the Provo river that feeds into Deer creek on the north end of the reservoir. The rainbows are probably in the river as they have a mock spawn. You can catch some pretty big rainbows in that section of the river, as well as brown trout that are heading up river too. The trout in that section should be aggresive and will hit streamer patterns like a leech or wooly bugger. Good luck from one former resident of Texas.
Thanks everyone - had great weather - fished a few little lakes and the lower Provo one morning. Caught a tiger trout (man what a beautiful fish), rainbow, browns, cutthroat, cutbow (what the guide called it - I probably would've called it a cutthroat), and even a few whipers in the local pond. 3 species on fly and 3 on spinner. Appreciate all the help again.